MovieChat Forums > Get Out (2017) Discussion > Why are white people always the bad guys...

Why are white people always the bad guys in Hollywood

even movies that deal with terrorism, its always the white guys and not even the muslims. They r too scared to make the blacks or muslims the bad guys

Last movie seen -
Udta Punjab: 9/10
Janatha Garage: 6/10
Sicario: 6/10


Yes, cause black guys are NEVER the villains in movies.

"...insert corny quote here"


Why are white people always the bad guys in Hollywood

White people are also overwhelmingly the good guys, girlfriends, wives, parents, children, and everything else in movies. Most movies made in the United States are mostly about white people.

Examining 500 top-grossing films released in the U.S. from 2007 to 2012, the study considers some 20,000 characters and finds diversity is sorely lacking. “Across 100 top-grossing films of 2012, only 10.8 percent of speaking characters are Black, 4.2 percent are Hispanic, 5 percent are Asian, and 3.6 percent are from other (or mixed race) ethnicities,” the paper notes at the outset. “Just over three-quarters of all speaking characters are White (76.3 percent). These trends are relatively stable, as little deviation is observed across the five-year sample.”


This. I also think there's a worry that if you have a white protagonist and a nonwhite villain, you'll get called racist, however most filmmakers want to have a white protagonist, so they'll play it safe and have a white villain as well. Then the POC roles end up only being side characters for the most part, which is too bad, because it gets dull.

This film doesn't look like my kind of thing, nor would I consider it groundbreaking in terms of casting because black men get to lead more American films than probably any other minority group, however it's still the exception to the rule in terms of who is cast in the lead...


There's too few black protagonists AND villains


posted something almost verbatim for another thread, and was called everything from bigot, to klan member, to troll.

It's so true bro, you hardly EVER see an AA as the main villain the sole exception being in the past two yrs Sam Jackson in KINGSMAN.


And Samuel Jackson in Miss Peregine's Home for peculiar children movie.

#RyanPotterForTimDrake #AsianBlackLightning


He was also a bad guy in "The Spirit". Starting to think he just likes doing those roles from time to time.

I've baited my hook with my own underwear. Is it wrong that I hope to catch a fish I can relate to?-Ragdoll.


You're gonna think that going in to this movie. but I have a heavy suspicion that Black people are the bad guys.
just a theory. But the main actor isnt dating a white girl, but a black girl in a white girls body. Black characters are stealing white people bodies to live their life styles. White people become the slave help.
It's the reason why her father says, "how long has this THANG been going on."
The snapshot he takes of the black guy at the party wakes him up. It's why the black dude running suddenly turns on a dime to run away from him.
You're going to be led to believe white people are the problem. But black people are selling out for white life styles: which was iterated by the main characters friend over the phone in the beginning.


Omg!!! That was very interesting!! Do you have inside knowledge of the script??


I call BS! Whites are both the good and bad guys in films. It's usually other groups who are slanted in one direction. For instance when a movie about terrorists are made, it's usually see all Arabs in the role of villain. Very rarely do we see Arabs in a heroic role.

Your argument is baseless.


White lifestyle? Wtf is that *beep* about? Just because bold a majority of blacks live an impoverished lifestyle does not mean we are not entitled to anything more. The amount of conceit in your statement is truly troubling. There's no such thing as a white lifestyle.


I think you have a preloaded concern with the statement I made about the story. You're invoking more than what was in there.


Somebody has to play the antagonist, why does it matter what race he or she is? What race would you prefer he or she be? Be careful, your answer may reveal a bias.


I don't prefer antagonist be any specific race. Just that they are justified in their nefarious means.



Because only white guys get the roles lol jk but not really


cuz theyre the bad guys in real life

i've got feelings too, ya know - inbetweeners


Wrong racist. Incredibly, ignorantly wrong.


did i trigger you?

i've got feelings too, ya know - inbetweeners


Ignore him. Bitter, racist Hillary supporters are still reeling, and they just froth out anti white racist comments like they have Tourette's. Give him some safe space and some healing time.
