MovieChat Forums > Get Out (2017) Discussion > Brilliant Satire Can't Wait to see

Brilliant Satire Can't Wait to see

This movie looks pretty awesome, as someone who is tired of constant race baiting and a more right leaning political view I'm pretty excited to see this film. I was a big fan of Key and Peele during that shows run and loved their hyper serious satirical pieces where they would take a ridiculous premise and try to play it off as straight as possible and the absurdity of the premise itself lent to a unique comedic angle that has become their brand of comedy. This is a movie done in the same vain as skits such as Flicker, Turbulence, L.A. Vice. Jordan Peele is a master of his craft and I love how many people are so confused by this trailer. Taking in consideration his previous body of work and background in comedy and dark satire it's obvious this is a horror thriller with a comedic premise, stop taking it seriously.

Let's look a few obvious tells, first and foremost... "From the mind of Jordan Peele" that's a dead give away and a call back to M Night Shyamalan as is the entire tone of the trailer. The white guy with the lacrosse stick.. lol. The Bingo games, the hypnosis with tea, the absurdity of it all is apparent.

I hope this movie continues to confuse people as to it's purpose as I'm sure many will leave the theaters and still not understand it's comedic roots, the premise itself is praise worthy and I hope the quality of the film doesn't disappoint.


Totally agree; it's OBVIOUSLY satire, and I think it looks hilarious. I'm pretty shocked how many people don't seem to realize that it's satirical when it's such a hilariously over-the-top premise.

Check out my action-packed short film, Liberation:


People like to be offended I guess.

I mean guy goes to meet his girlfriend's parents in a small southern town... They turn out too be crazy racist psychos who kidnap brainwash black people, keep them as servants and want to kill him. Totally 100% serious no satire whatsoever. ANTI WHITE PROPAGANDA!!! !!!!

To be fair this board isn't anywhere near as bad as the youtube comments lol. That is a mess.

And I've seen a few black people offended as well but like for the opposite reason. They said it's racist because it shows black people servants, being hypnotized, being attacked, etc.


Peele himself said it was intended to be a stab at the liberal elite and not at the conservative south as a whole. Here's an article that he talks some about.


It's not marked to be a comedy, though.


Thats what happens when people (more specifically, uneducated young folks under 30) chime in on something without having any point of reference. Satire can be very nuanced. The fact that people are getting upset about this film having "servants" in it just screams how shallow their understanding of cinema and even literature is. It's all about context. Context is everything. It flew right over their heads.


I might be looking for the wrong things. I can't see the satire in this on a humor level. Granted I am actually 110% interested in seeing it. Simply because it looks to me like an awesome horror movie. There is a massive creep factor in the whole hypnotizing and "taming" of people in general. I think I saw the horror tag and just put my horror goggles on when watching the trailer. Maybe I need to rewatch it. I figure it's a horror movie so some of it is just gonna make me laugh but I just don't see the satire fully. It might be so nuanced as you said that I'm simply missing it, but all in all this movie looks awesome. If it's the type of satire that comes across kind of serious and then you see the underlining message I'm perfectly fine with that as it could be a thinking type of horror movie. However I don't want to go to the theater for a bunch of laughs on this one. It has so much potential to just be a great horror flick.

I've baited my hook with my own underwear. Is it wrong that I hope to catch a fish I can relate to?-Ragdoll.


Yes, a subtle satire, but not overt.
I think this will be a straight forward horror film, but with comedic nuances that have a historical context.
Some people are afraid this will be a real horror film, and that is scary as f##k to them because there will be no buffer.


The problem with something like this (these days) is it could be equally as serious (and anti-white) as it could be satire and that's what people are confused about. I want to see it, regardless of what it is, I think it looks interesting. I also like Key and Peele and I know they've done a lot of horror parodies (and are good at it) which means they know good horror (and good satire). However, it's easy to see WHY people look at this as anti-white and it's easy to see how people could take it seriously. If this movie came out 10 years ago it would be seen entirely different. There have been movies and shows recently to straight up and seriously demonize white people because blah blah blah racism and we all know this is true. Plus even if it were 100% true/serious and not satire (which I still think is somewhat debatable) the point is that no one would bat an eye at it. Furthermore, you have the issue of people who WILL take it seriously and I don't just mean white people I mean black people as well, which really only creates more racial tension, regardless of the intent behind the entire film. I would say that before I judge anything I'd have to see it but a lot of people either won't do that, or they'll take it entirely too seriously while seeing it.


With the amount of content surfacing in all mediums, it's easy to lump everything under the same umbrella. I can't speak for all content, but the ones that address racism so with tact. I don't think they are demonizing White people. They are putting the spotlight on racism. Racism is practiced within the infrastructure of our society. "But Black people are racist too", you might say. Sure, I suppose,...but the huge difference is that Black people are still feared in popular culture. Further more, Black people do not dictate the standards of our judicial system, or the education system. Racism is the problem, not a race of people.


Agreed with the OP


This is as much dark satire as it gets. The intelligence of some on this board is either at the bottom of the bucket, or they are simply trolling.

The trailer shows it directly. People are hypnotized (maybe even getting some sort of operation done to them) to behave. When the actor flashes the guy with the camera light, he "wakes up" for a moment to yell "Get out!".

But it doesn't seem that is only the black guys. Even the others, white, react strangely. I would even claim by the trailer, that the girlfriend is either in on it ("can't find the keys") or they hypnotized her, too. Maybe to just bring in (young) blacks. For whatever reason, since they seem not to kill them.

I can't wait to see this. Peele knows his s--t.


I'm so curious about people who view this as anti-white.
Even if it was a straight on horror movie it does exactly what many other movies with a white protagonist do. The (white) main character goes into a different culture and is subject to some sort of horror brought upon them by the "exotic" others.

The Skeleton Key involves a white chick that goes to deep south Louisiana and finds herself in what ultimately ends up being a voodoo curse placed by magical black slaves.
The Grudge and The Forest are both white girls in haunted Japan.
Brokedown Palace and Silence are both white people going to Asian countries and suffering horribly at the hands of the natives. The list is endless really. These are just the ones that popped into my head right now.

I think the whole point of satire here is that the protagonist is going to do what usually happens in reverse. You will see his own fish out of water paranoia combined with the actual scary (yet ridiculous) supernatural element/hypnotism. That's what makes it funny. White people are the exotic others which (I think) is hilarious. Yet the movie looks genuinely scary so it will be interesting if they will be able to carry off humor and horror in equal measure or if the humor will just be more tongue in cheek.

Happy birthday to the ground!


And all those movies you mention are, at least to me, stupid.

I really hope this movie is a bizarre send-up of horror and racism tropes... but it's being marketed everywhere as straight horror.

This may piss audiences off in the long run as they'll feel quite misled.

No satire I've ever seen has gone out of its way to appear as anything other than a satire.
