MovieChat Forums > Get Out (2017) Discussion > Racism is natural and will never go away...

Racism is natural and will never go away. Duh.

Take advice from Morgan Freeman and stop talking about it. Let's all move on to more important things. yes?


OP translation: we'll never stop oppressing and gaslighting POC so stop talking about it so I can feel more comfortable with my white privilege.


You're showing your true racist colors. Only whhites can be racist, right? Racism only exists in America? POC can't possibly be racist? Yeah... my OP stands.


the dudes obviously trolling he cant be that dumb of a *beep* but yes blacks in usa will never everrrrrr get along with whites due to the fact we use to own them sorry but they will never everrrr let that go its just there nature its been hundreds of years and its actually getting worse and worse as the days go by and life gets easier to live lol racism will never go away sorry it just wont tbh not all races nor coultures were meant to live together its true loom what happens when the world comes together then crazy muslims hate us and try to kill us all due to our life style here


No, "we" didn't own anyone. I've never owned anyone, and just because people of the same color hundreds of years ago did, doesn't equate me to their character- in fact, that's a racist notion in of itself. And before you go telling me it was my ancestors, only 5% of whites owned slaves. Nothing is solved by forcing blame on whites today. And *beep* anyone who says whites have privilege- 'more whites are on welfare and poor, and minorities are constantly given privileges from the pretext that they deserve more because they've been downtrodden. Im sick of the guilt pushing. Let's all just get the *beep* along, and stop focusing on the color of people's skin, you racist *beep*


What?! Morgan Freeman never said such a stupid, ignorant statement. Where did that trash come from?!
