*beep* white people

Man I'm white, but all of these people complaining about this movie because of "racism" makes me really hate people. I, for one, am extremely exicted for this one.


Typical response from a cuck.


Typical response from a troll

Bad troll

*Hits with stick*

Get back under your bridge

"Be the change you wish to see in the world"

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All Work All Play: 4
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I agree, this dudes a cuck.



Sorry I'm above using such a crass pitiful term to insult people on internet forums but you're going to have to explain this one for me.

So the guy is emasculated because...........he doesn't like the fact the race card is being played regarding the movie? I'm lost, it's like calling someone a pedophile for playing hockey I fail to see the connection.

"Be the change you wish to see in the world"

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Breaking the Silence: Truth and Lies in the War on Terror: 8


So the guy is emasculated because...........he doesn't like the fact the race card is being played regarding the movie? I'm lost, it's like calling someone a pedophile for playing hockey I fail to see the connection.

He is too eager to look the other way if his own race calls out what they believe is an ongoing assault against the white race, to the point that he hates them.


So "cuck" has lost all meaning with you people. It's literally just "guy I disagree with on anything". You might as well call him a race traitor. Be specific with your bullsh!t.

"What race are you? If you don't tell me I'll just...assume the worst."



White men who intentionally refuse to see when something is being done against their own race is a very good use for the word cuck.



noun: the husband of an adulteress, often regarded as an object of derision.

verb: make (another man) a cuckold by having a sexual relationship with his wife.

Like I said, between the MRAs and the racists, it's lost all meaning.

"What race are you? If you don't tell me I'll just...assume the worst."


Also "“cuck” is someone perceived as emasculated" apparently.

And yeah I'm with you on this one I still don't see the connection in the slightest or the dramatic criticism.

"Be the change you wish to see in the world"

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Whenever I try to understand bigot logic my brain is just like "DOES NOT COMPUTE".

"What race are you? If you don't tell me I'll just...assume the worst."


Like I said, between the MRAs and the racists, it's lost all meaning.

I assumed you understood the quick evolution of that term online. I guess I was wrong.

Also "“cuck” is someone perceived as emasculated" apparently.


Whenever I try to understand bigot logic my brain is just like "DOES NOT COMPUTE".

Tossing out bigot and racist words that have no basis to them is what cucks love do. I'm sure if this conversation continued, you'd be adding the words, sexist, misogynist, xenophobe, transphobe and homophobe in there as well lol.


Tossing out bigot and racist words that have no basis to them is what cucks love do.
Women can be cucks now too?! Please stop this assault on the English language.

And calling OP a cuck for saying...
Man I'm white, but all of these people complaining about this movie because of "racism" makes me really hate people.

...still makes no sense. He's emasculated because he's white, but hates white people whining about non-existent racism? White people can't call out other white people without being 'cucks'? #bigotlogic
I'm sure if this conversation continued, you'd be adding the words, sexist, misogynist, xenophobe, transphobe and homophobe in there as well lol.
I would not be surprised if you are all those things, but this conversation won't last long enough for me to find out.

"What race are you? If you don't tell me I'll just...assume the worst."


Women can be cucks now too?! Please stop this assault on the English language.

Of course you can. It's a sign of weakness and when you talk weak where you randomly toss out words that don't match up because you've been brainwashed to do so, I'll call you out on it. It's also a slang word and not part of the English dictionary.

...still makes no sense. He's emasculated because he's white, but hates white people whining about non-existent racism? White people can't call out other white people without being 'cucks'?

White people who put white people in a nonexistent category, are cucks simply because they're only regurgitating what SJWs say. Again, it's all about just following like good little mindless weak sheep.

I would not be surprised if you are all those things, but this conversation won't last long enough for me to find out.

Lmao! Thanks for proving me right cuck. :D



"What race are you? If you don't tell me I'll just...assume the worst."


They've made SJWs of us all.

I just don't understand when the idea that every fictional story or character somehow represents an entire race and or gender as a whole started. When did characters stop being just a character? Everyone clings to them like they're supposed to be their role model in life and get upset when they do something dumb. It makes no sense to me.

I'm not offended by the white people in this story being evil because a. it's fiction, b. I can choose not to see it at all and c. just because these characters are evil and happen to be white, it doesn't mean the director is saying that all white people are evil.


They've made SJWs of us all.

I just don't understand when the idea that every fictional story or character somehow represents an entire race and or gender as a whole started. When did characters stop being just a character? Everyone clings to them like they're supposed to be their role model in life and get upset when they do something dumb. It makes no sense to me.

I'm not offended by the white people in this story being evil because a. it's fiction, b. I can choose not to see it at all and c. just because these characters are evil and happen to be white, it doesn't mean the director is saying that all white people are evil.

You're missing the point of all of this. It's what we think the intent of such a film is, as to why it's bothersome. We believe these kinds of movies are made, because it's easier and fun to make the white man as an evil SOB, when they walk on eggshells with stereotyping other races.


when they walk on eggshells with stereotyping other races.

Seriously?! Now you've really lost me.

Black folk have been stereotyped since day one in Hollywood, every other film has a group of african american actors representing a gang or the "Hood" mentality.

Then you have the indian cab drivers, the "Spiritual" native american, the lazy mexican, how every asian person mysteriously knows karate and/or is great at math. Do I need to continue?

Stereotyping has always existed and is showing no signs of stopping, but you must have blinkers welded to your skull if you think other races aren't.

I genuinely cannot see the issue with this movie. It's fiction, there is no intent it's just a sodding film. No messages, no left or right wing agenda........it's just a film and probably not even going to be a very good one.

You're acting as though this is the first movie with a minority as the protagonist and a white guy/girl as the villian 😲

"Be the change you wish to see in the world"
I rated GET OUT: N/A
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HoneyBee: 4
Helix: 3
Summer Rental: 8
Fubar 2: 2


Black folk have been stereotyped since day one in Hollywood, every other film has a group of african american actors representing a gang or the "Hood" mentality.

We aren't talking about day one in Hollywood now are we. We're taking about today's Hollywood. Name me some films last year that stereotype an entire group of blacks as the main plot of the movie where they're the villain.

Then you have the indian cab drivers, the "Spiritual" native american

Lmao. 95 percent of our cabbies are East Indians where I live.

the "Spiritual" native american

They pride themselves on this. It's a positive, not a negative.

how every asian person mysteriously knows karate and/or is great at math.

Again, these are positives, not negatives.

Let's pretend they're negative. You'd have to show how the US or even Cuckada is constantly hammering down on their race in the news as well, or by liberal college professors brainwashing their students. You see, this is the problem here. Films like this you have to wonder about the real intentions behind it. And there's cause to be concerned.

Imagine a white guy making an entire film about how blacks are trying to wrong the white man and beat on him for being white. Now imagine this type of rhetoric being done again and again in an environment that already isn't too fond of white people. Do you think that would go over well? Nah, me neither.


I genuinely do not see your issue here.

This kind of response is generally limited to bored house wives who demonise video games, violent movies, rap music & pokemon (Because it's eviiiiiil) because somehow, someway they just NEED to find a problem in everything.

This isn't an issue, there is no issue here, so take that mountain and pound it back down to a mole hill because there is simply nothing to see here.

"Be the change you wish to see in the world"

I rated GET OUT: N/A
Last 5 rated
No Stranger Than Love: 4
Mad Families: 5
LA Apocalypse: 3
Justice League Dark: 3
Avengers Confidential: Black Widow & Punisher


I'll make this very simple!...

Xcape...You're the CUCK!


I'll make this very simple!..

Xcape...You're the CUCK!

lol because I can spot an agenda inserted into a movie, a mile away? Like the Ghostbusters remake or The Mary Sue awakens? If you say so slick.

The writer of this film is a SJW who had Racial Profiling and Police Violence in his comedy sketches (one more serious than the other) so it's quite easy to believe he's doing this film for an agenda against whites where blacks can continue to play the victim card.


You don't have to watch movies to find examples of white people being evil. Just flip through a history book. Nazis, KKK, slavery... Of course people of all races have done horrible things, but I'm not so fragile and self conscious that I can't see the evils committed by white people too. That's why I judge people by their individual merit. If someone is evil, it doesn't matter what color they are. They're evil and that's that. Same with virtuous characters. Race doesn't matter.


You'd give your money away for anything I'm sure. Fool.
