SJW garbage

Just watched the prison episode. I was actually agreeing with a lot of their points, the American prison system is obviously a cash cow. But when they started talking about blacks being 6 more times likely to go to prison, and the doe eyed white girl trope just agreed to use her 'privilege' positively, I knew what this show is really about.

If the black community doesn't actually address its issues, and keeps blaming the system nothing will change. My white skin wouldn't save me from the same circumstances. Enough of this SJW crap being shoved down our throats.


Do the research---it is true that black people are more likely and much quicker to go to prison for certain crimes than white people--because of the institutional racism that built into the system. That's not some "SJW" garbage, it's the damn truth---studies of that subject have been saying this for years. So stop spouting off and claiming it's not true just because you don't want to hear it----black people have been experiencing that for decades---it's a fact of life for us.


How would one conduct such research? I think it would be very difficult to determine among any prison population which inmates were wrongfully convicted, which is the only way I can think of to truly prove "racism" in the system.

Merely looking at the numbers and seeing that there are more blacks in prison for a given crime than there are whites does not necessarily lead to the conclusion that A) Blacks are being wrongfully convicted, or B) Whites are being unfairly given a pass.

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


You are right that you can't simply tell whether any particular case was a racist outcome. You're wrong about not being able to gain information from larger samples though.

Rather than simply counting the number of people in prison, you might take everyone who has been charged with a particular crime, and compare their outcomes. With a large enough sample size, you should be able to determine average conviction rates, sentence lengths, etc with confidence that it isn't being affected by outliers (i.e. judge or jury being unfairly lenient or harsh).

Now split your sample based on some variable such as race, gender, age, etc. Assuming there are enough samples in each group, you should be able to calculate average conviction rates, sentence lengths, etc again with similar confidence. If the averages for each group are the same, then the variable has no effect on outcomes. If it is different, then you can use that variable to predict future outcomes.

Note that this just tells you _what_ is happening: it doesn't tell you _why_. That's a harder question to answer, and one where people might disagree. But it is a lot harder to claim that a bias doesn't exist when evidence to the contrary is available.


The problem is they look at the length of sentence for particular crimes, what they don't do is look at the rap sheet of the person convicted. I know we went over some of these stupid studies in law school and the problem was that the people doing the studies were doing them to support an agenda, whenever that happens you stop finding out truths and start finding out what someone wants to find. People that look at the studies have shown that the sample groups are flawed. Would anyone expect a first time offender to get as long of a sentence as a repeat offender? Of course not, but the fact is the typical black in prison isn't a first time offender they are normally repeat offenders. Society didn't force them to go out and do what they clearly knew was wrong a second, third or fourth time, that was a choice that they made.


Another SJW retard.

I don't care about a troll who doesn't pay for his opinion telling me how to review movies.


And of course they ignore the male/female ratio.
Why isn't there pressure on this piece of *beep* to give the show to a black woman.


The percentage of blacks in prison is only 1% higher than it is for whites.


My iMDB profile


The reality is the percentage of the population that is white is 61% the percentage of blacks is about 12%... so that shows you that blacks are much more likely to be criminals than whites. Otherwise you would expect to have 5 times as many whites in prison as blacks if blacks and white were equally likely to commit crimes. Reality is the black culture does not instill a respect for laws and the result is a lot of blacks growing up without the most basic respect for obeying laws... then they end up in jail... Want to stop black criminals, take all the black babies born and have them raised by white families that will instill the right values in the kids.
