MovieChat Forums > Charlie's Angels (2019) Discussion > Why is nobody talking about this SJW mes...

Why is nobody talking about this SJW mess??

The Terminator: Dark Fate boards have been ablaze for months due to the SJW PC-washing crap in that movie, but it’s WAY WORSE in this one! I just saw a TV spot and they mention “this is a girl’s job” or some other woke SJW crap like 5 times in 30 seconds!


Probably because this movie is mostly marketed for females. Sure some guys that like SJW stuff might go see it. Just like Ford vs Ferrari is mostly marketed for males.


I'm thinking the movie itself might be a mess regardless of your SJW slant. To bring that up says more about you than the movie.


Just going by the movie poster alone it looks cheap. The women are unattractive and asides from Stewart, unknown's, at least to me. As another poster mentioned was there even a need for this film? It seems that it is doomed to fail based on lack of interest alone.


No one cares about Charlie's Angels, that's why. The original show is hardly seen by anyone under 40, and the McG movies have all but been forgotten.

No one was asking for a Charlie's Angels reboot. And if they did, they'd be asking for something that actually resembles the original concept. This is nothing at all like the original show. In that, they were just private detectives solving local crimes. They weren't actively fighting terrorists or sporting high-tech gadgets, nor did they have a female boss. Best of all, they didn't have to call attention to their gender to get the job done.

This film isn't gonna please anyone who isn't some man-hating feminist. It's certainly not going to appease fans of the original show, as it bares little-to-no resemblance to that and it won't please general action movie fans either, considering how sick they probably are of super woke, politically correct movies. They should have just made a Totally Spies! movie instead.




Mrrockey spells it out perfectly. I'm all for women's rights etc but I watched the old show for the pretty dames. 2 out of 5 episodes were sorta OK if you can ignore the poor quality of the era.
I did not like the McG movies because they stopped taking themselves seriously and got zany. The movies revealed the makers lack of respect for the series.
If any version of Charlie's Angels is about anything other than 3 ladies who are exceptional detectives solving serious cases that happen to be super sexy then it isn't CA and should be named something else. The show had two gimmicks: 1. They were all gorgeous. 2. They had a mystery benefactor who seemed to operate outside the law and with great wealth. Everyone who touches this seems to think that you just need 3 girls and then you can do whatever you like.


The show had two gimmicks: 1. They were all gorgeous. 2. They had a mystery benefactor who seemed to operate outside the law and with great wealth. Everyone who touches this seems to think that you just need 3 girls and then you can do whatever you like.



Did some one watch this??? WOW didn't know that lol


I felt the same way when people were going nuts about Brie Larson's SJW nonsense when Mark Ruffalo is 20X worse and he's been part of the MCU for 5+ years. He is the only white actor I know who boycotted the Oscars because they were "too white", for example. People on the internet goes nuts at there mere mention of Larson but Ruffalo can post whatever insane SJW rant he wants on twitter and nobody pays attention.

In any case, I am STILL pissed they replaced Edward Norton with that guy.


I usually get irritated by changing stuff to women for the sake of changing it to women, but i'm not quite sure how THIS movie qualifies it for being an "SJW mess"?

Its always been about 3 women kicking ass in a mans world.

How is a property that has ALWAYS been predominantly aimed at women, played by women, "SJW crap"?

This is almost as fucking useless an argument as saying "Goddamn, Little Women, WTF were they thinking?!"


Because it’s beneath contempt. LLOwems is writing a sequel, where Kristin lets him fuck her.
