MovieChat Forums > 4 Könige (2015) Discussion > the honest Christmas movie we've been wa...

the honest Christmas movie we've been waiting for

Who else agrees with me - this movie is the first (at least in a while), that takes its audience seriously as complex human beings, in whose life things just aren't perfect; unlike most other Christmas movies want (read: force) us to think. What I find so worthwhile about it, is that it is so accepting in its attitude: it is ok to be messed up to some degree, all the characters are, everyone in the audience is. This takes a lot of pressure off: you don't have to be the all-smiles family guy for the holidays. There is a legitimate place in life for the "messed-ness"; in the film it's the clinic; in each of our lives we have to make/find a space that does the job for us (as e.g. the cleaning lady mentions that she provides it for friends).
In this respect, I find the film not just a very refreshing take on the still very tight burgeouise holiday protocol, but also a necessary reflection on our contemporary way of integrating (or shunning out) our "dark (=illegit/ non-normative) side".
