So unintentionally funny

This film was a cartoon full of caricatures. It shows how sheltered the filmmakers are. It was impossible to be emotionally invested in the story. You know it’s bad when you’re aware the whole time that you’re watching a scripted performance.


I haven't seen it nor do I intend to, but yes filmmakers are beyond delusional and completely out of touch.


This may be the single most idiotic thing I've ever read on the Internet. How the hell do you know anything about the movie or the people who made it if you haven't seen it? Holy crap...the stupid, it hurts!


The conceit of the premise, lead actress, even the title?


not replying to that other loser, but until recently, I saw films produced today, then stopped. They all look the same.


Aw, did I hewt your widdle feewings?


I agree—it very much came across like a play, and would have worked better on stage.
