Why #pokemongo sucks!

I am a 36 year old woman who has been looking hearing about this app for a while, and was looking forward to it. However, after, I realised that this app was only for individuals that can walk. Let me explain, I am a disabled 36 year old woman. I, unfortunately, have so many autoimmune disorders and chronic pain that it is impossible for me to walk 10 feet without enduring allot of pain. When I realized the advantage walking would give me and I couldn?t achieve, I wanted to cry. A 36 year old woman who liked Pokémon, wanted to cry over a game. Now, I?m a mature adult, I will move on, did move on. Untill I realized that there are kids with terrible disabilities and illnesses that will not find it so easy to move on. If I wanted to cry, and I?m really not the overly weepy type,  think what that would feel like for a kid, who is disabled or has low mobility. I know that the idea was to get the kids out of their homes and active, but you should most definitely have a low mobility option for individuals who just simply can?t. Honestly, there has been so much hype and money behind this game that I?m surprised as to the poor quality of the human resources department. It doesnt take a genius to think of an alternative activity; perhaps you could have an option that feeds off arm movement instead of walking. The blatant exclusion of this minority is really painful. Faith in humanity= lost??again.


Pokemon is for kids. Grow up!


So basically you want it to change because you cant walk well you can still roll around in the wheel chair that still counts


You cant play baseball or football either, dont single out pokemon go

Favorite movie : Forrest Gump
