the finale

1st hour just proved the girls point. The President overturned Jules conviction without even meeting her.


On what grounds did he turn it over?


Dvr cut out before end. What happened after jules and o put site up


they reversed his expulsion on appeal, thats all they said, proving the system is broken the President didnt even speak with Jules and thats of course one of the reasons they are doing what they do. the site going up was the ending, just a bunch of posts coming up on screen then it ended.


Are you referring to the end of the 2nd hour? Ophelia just makes a comment like they are going to be busy now and that was the end.


That's not how it works in the real world. Maybe in the '70s when attitudes were different. In the old days rapists got away with a lot more. Not now.

In real life the rape would have been reported to the police. They wouldn't have just settled the matter internally. And there is no question he would have been expelled before it even went to trial.

That's good for victims of rape but not got good for victims of false rape reports. There was a famous case in the news recently where an entire fraternity was suspended because of an alleged rape. Later it came out the entire incident was a fabrication.


Yep it completely proved her point and was honest. Nate was a star football player and schools are so worried about their reputations. People who are so blindly against this show won't acknowledge, that but it is the truth.


** exactly how it works. if your a football player or star athlete the college wants nothing to with it. They don't want to lose their star player. Look what happened with Baylor cover up. they covered up rape victims claim so their sports program wouldnt look bad. same with Nate getting his appeal. colleges put their sports programs above rape victims, and Butler is proof of that.


Just being devil's advocate here but assuming he was innocent then there's no reason why he should have been kicked off campus, and there wasn't enough evidence to convict him. Yes he may have been guilty for all I know. But there isn't always going to be evidence to convict, and you can't punish an innocent man.

Edit: what I mean to say is that it's not a perfect system. There are people out there who belong in jail but either they haven't been caught or there hasn't been enough evidence to convict. Nevertheless as bad as that is, it's still better than convicting innocent people. That's why the burden of proof is high in criminal cases. Not high enough apparently when you count all the times people have been exonerated for sex crimes they were convicted of but did not commit. Admittedly often people in high upstanding positions are afforded more credibility than people who have no name for themselves.


^^ what do you think of the Baylor Scandal though. that proves there is is a huge problem, with rape and athletes.

and we know hes guilty in this case, cause they showed he did it, and its the reason Jules is doing what she does, because she was raped.
