Look female bad guys!

Is everyone who was crying about man hating happy they are already making it clear this is a even playing field between the sexes being assaulters?
Can we stop that now


THANK YOU. This show is so dang good, people need to cool it


ONE episode of women being bad guys and still ZERO episodes where men are the victims. You think that's an even playing field?

It also doesn't fix the fact that the show is built on the premise that violence against alleged sexual predators -- some of whom are awaiting trial -- is right, justified or even funny.

"Show me a milkman in high heels and I'll show you a dairy queen."


Jesus christ man...


and female bad guys getting kicked in the vagina too!!


2 Jibbler - you DO know that one of the reasons the traditional example is seen as acceptable whereas the other an abomination is because men are generally physically stronger than women and are far less likely to be hurt and damaged in that sense, plus they can't get pregnant themselves and thousands of years of human history has shown that under any system and culture it IS indeed men who mostly commit aggressive acts of violence against women and at times men as well and often they have little reason let alone excuse besides wanting power.

Hence why it is seen as not that much of a big deal if they are kicked in the balls, especially if they have done something so terrible.

The greatest trick the Devil has ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist!


Total nonsense!

Kicking guys in the balls is sexual abuse! The fact that this isn't categorized as a felony the same as a violent act against a woman is evidence that society is anti-male.

The OP had a good point that this episode shows the hypocrisy of the protagonists. It's not OK to abuse people but it's OK to retaliate with sexual abuse?


But I was just looking at why it IS seen more acceptable to kick a guy in the balls and people have said its because of various power-related components that surround us males.

And it isn't actually seen as sexual abuse either - many men say that they'll have no problem if the guy hit them in the balls but would really dislike it if they were felt up instead.

The greatest trick the Devil has ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist!
