MovieChat Forums > Sweet/Vicious (2016) Discussion > OT: How do you define rape?

OT: How do you define rape?

How do you define rape in the context of two adults 18 and up? I'm kind of curious to see how people respond to this question.

I define rape as sex that occurs while unconscious or involuntarily drugged and unable to give consent, or sex that is forced after a clear no. Seems pretty straight forward to me, but I want to find out how others define it.


I'll agree with that, and I'll add those in abusive relationships using power and control to get what they want.

A partner might get a "yes" but if it's obtained through intimidation or emotional manipulation it's not true consent IMO.


Another thing I wonder is - if in REAL life we would really deal with this matter more often with vigilante justice because of massive problems with law AND society, will it really make the world a better place, and also, how often does a vigilante justice like this even get carried out, in real life?

And do you think sexual laws themselves are fair and balanced?

Say if we had NO law at all, under the banner of humanity and statute of morality, how would we not only define it but also punish it, and what if it wasn't a woman who was a victim at the hands of a man or even a man of a man here, like, what would it be like and seen as like THEN?

I dare say, with all the massive angry talks on these issues, however justified, but also conflicting opinions, I am actually a little afraid of having sex in this day and age even if I know there is a much bigger problem with actual sexual abuse including how offenders often get away with it.

Also - do you always consider this crime to be worse than murder - if we are talking about murder of innocents that is pre-meditated who didn't deserve it?

The greatest trick the Devil has ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist!


Also, are those people who say its worse than murder 100% correct?

What if indeed it was a man who was a victim of a woman in such case scenario, rare as it is though, would it ruin his life enough and would he be justified in exacting vengeance?

(By the way, I lost count on how many times in life I heard men say that they would like it if a woman did it to them? And they didn't even say ANYTHING about going to the police or forgiveness here either - are we to imply that in such cases, women are not capable of damaging the male victim both physically, emotionally and well sexually if they somehow took him without their consent whereas in other cases and especially where a perpetrator is a man and a victim is a woman, women here as victims are a lot more vulnerable and sensitive and thus are able to be hurt much more were it the other way round or if men were victims at the hands of other men here? Or maybe it just doesn't happen very often whereas traditional cases had thousands of years of history behind them? Hell, law ITSELF doesn't even often call them that, merely 'sexual assault' and I wonder if its out of genuine respect for female population and the fact that it really is men who commit it more?)

Also - is it actually possible, even if not in all cases, for people to recover from it - if they don't get AIDS or pregnant or kill themselves or get killed that is?

I respect the sad and unfortunate fact of the emotional pain and nature of this crime but do you think that by both law and morality, the physical pain and damage of rape should also be taken into account and are you happy with the knowledge and idea that some rapes are worse than others and should also be sentenced accordingly?

(Then again, in Bad Lieutenant (1992) for instance, a nun has forgiven the two young men who raped her, and in A Clockwork Orange (1971), the lead character who was a serial rapist and a murderer was turned into a somewhat sympathetic figure in the end after enduring that unfair experiment in an attempt to be cured (another criticism of the law and justice system AND society implying it isn't just rapists that are bad guys in similar cases, perhaps, although I agree they are still bad indeed.)

By the way, as much as I DID indeed know how bad and terrible it is, only in the last few years have I realized why it is seen generally as being worse than murder, even though I also have heard of a lot of cases in life, and seen in films, where people were both raped and murdered simultaneously. Not that I condone either.

The greatest trick the Devil has ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist!


It goes without saying that murder is worse than rape. Anyone who says otherwise is a complete and total idiot.

If you got rid of all laws, like true anarchy, then people would have to enforce their own laws privately. That would result in gang rivalries with the rich dominating the poor and it would be a hellhole. If that's truly what you want, move to Venezuela and see how well that works out for you.

Personally I'm somewhat of a libertarian who believes in smaller government and the non-aggression principle. But even libertarians don't support the removal of all laws all together. There is a benefit to having law and order in society, even if society is not perfect.


But people say that with rape you get to permanently live with the mental and emotional scars of it all whereas with death all suffering ends, plus people say that there's never an excuse for rape and murder can at least sometimes be justified - so who is right here then?

The greatest trick the Devil has ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist!


Plus it can cause physical harm too and people say what makes it worse than other forms of assault and possibly even murder is that it associates what is something that under consensual circumstances would cause pleasure, enjoyment and feelings of beauty with something that causes pain and suffering as well as physical and mental humiliation.

Isn't THAT why, besides law not working and a huge potential of evil men doing it always lurking around, we also have various rape awareness organizations and departments to help rape victims cope with the trauma of their ordeal?

And you can't really "accidentally" rape someone can you, like you may accidentally kill or hurt them in other ways, right?

Hence the no excuse memo.

The greatest trick the Devil has ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist!


When you accidentally kill someone that isn't murder. It's an accident.

No one would rather be murdered than raped, because the latter doesn't take away your life. Just like rape, murder is never justified. Does rape leave a scar, I can't say since I haven't experienced it. But I have been through bad things and I know that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I have loved ones who have survived rape and they are thriving and happy today so it hardly ruined their lives.

Rape is an inexcusable thing to do to someone. But it doesn't stop anyone from living their life unless they allow it.
