Can Nicole play slapstick?

It's hard to imagine her recreating such clips as the chocolate factory or the wine press.


The wine press scene is in this.


Well, is Nicole funny in it?


It's OK, it isn't really played for huge laughs in the context of the film.


Does the film try to recreate Lucille Ball's terrible performance in "Mame" from '74? That could be good for a few laughs.


The film doesn't cover anything after 1953.


That saddens me




This movie was more about the behind-the-scenes drama of the show and the genius of Lucy and Desi. The behind-the-scene events did have some fantastic comedic lines by Lucy who Nicole played as very quick and sarcastic to good effect.




So it made Lucy look like she was a good comedian? If so then it would seem to be a bit revisionist storytelling. Everything ever written about how things happened in the early days of the show had Lucy being pretty pathetic as a comedian to the point that the script would have the specifics of when to make a facial expression when to do everything because if left to her own she lack any comic timing when the show started out. I think she later developed some sibilance of comic timing by the time the show had ended and she was doing her other Lucy show on her own.


Definitely portrayed Lucy as having a superior talent for envisioning a scene in a script and deciphering how to act it out to maximize comedic effect. I was unaware of prior reviews suggesting Ball was a deficient comedienne. I’d be interested in a link to such a review if you have it. Being the Ricardos had scenes where the Lucy character would almost enter a trance during rehearsal and then come up with a funnier way to play the situation


The answer is no.
