Although well acted, I thought the storyline was illogical and the music was annoying. Not worth your time or your money.


Exactly. Zoe Bell and Nacho (that just sounds funny) brought good performances. She was amazing and I loved his origin of a serial killer transgression but the script was over stuffed and like you said; illogical. That music made me laugh really hard. It was like the dude on the back of the truck in 'Fury Road' with the flame guitar took LSD and bought a violin.

Our youtube with good AF stuff on it. Bong.


Seems like it should be out on dvd by now,, but I can't seem to find it.
I don't care HOW bad it is,,, if Zoe is in it -- gotta be worth watching!~!~~!


Well that doesn't make sense. Is there even a single violin used in this score? It felt very electronic and digitally created via keyboards, synths, samples, and computers.


Just chiming in here to say I also despised the music. Yes, it's different, but it's just blatantly awful.


Hm, while I do agree the movie was mediocre at best, it surprises me everyone seems to explicitly dislike the soundtrack so much.

At times it was jarring or completely out of place, but as a whole for me it really stood out. The OST is splendid to listen to on its own. Then again that probably just illustrates why it wasn't always a good fit for a movie. :)

Aside, Pepijn Caudron also wrote the soundtrack for Cooties (2014). Same thing for me: awful movie (matter of taste of course), but I very much enjoy its OST. Let's hope someday his talent and a movie match.


I agree. I loved the score. Added much more tension to the film. I own the Cooties soundtrack on vinyl, and absolutely adore that film in general.
