How dare rhey



To whom? I do not get who your anger is directed at. How dare who do what?


The Academy


Nothing original in playing the same character for the 7th time. My own opinion is that the voter's got it right.


I get your point and have seen him dissed in other threads. Sad. What they might not get is the fact that when he began the Rocky series he was bucking against the Oscar system. He was an outsider who had to do it all because he wasn't in the correct clique to get all the funding/support/ that the big studios were giving to the other movies. Rocky became a movie of passion. I was surprised when I heard that they had engaged him to make a comeback into his original series. I thought the error of their (all those Academy voters) ways would have given him the recognition he deserved. It's kind of the same for Steven Spielberg, George Lucas and the many other outsiders that make good high grossing films. Last night showed me that nothing is going to change and unfortunately I feel most of the other award shows (exception being perhaps the SAG awards) are too fluff (and I do like watching the drunken Golden Globes). Gee, they can make computer programs that can calculate anything these days. Why not give every movie goer (over a certian age) a device where they can input their rating on categories (before they go out and discuss it and/or submit to peer pressure or Hollywoods heavy marketing schemes) and then do an awards show about what we as the paying viewers have liked? It's a reasonable idea. Sure a bit costly to implement but I also bet it would make more folks actually go to the movies rather than go to their computers or Redbox.
It would be a win-win situation. Enough blether. Overall I was disappointed in the show and the system behind it.
