MovieChat Forums > WAGs (2015) Discussion > Natalie and

Natalie and can't deny they are pretty girls. But with all the money they spend on their makeup, hair, clothes, etc. and they can't get a decent acne care situation going on? I'm confused.

I voted for Frenchie and Dia like a sex donkey on Xanax.


i can't stand those two but i will defend them in that chin acne is usually hormone related and you can do everything the dermatologist asks and your skin will still break out. its no fun.


They may have great skin but when they get older (they will look worse)


They pile on the make-up (ESPECIALLY bronzer...jesus) but their skin looks fine. I don't see any texture in their make-up from acne, pock marks, pores, etc underneath. I just started season 1, so maybe it's something that is noticeable in later episodes?


In pictures it's more noticeable those HD lenses are a mofo
