
I'm sorry but...just pathetic and sad. So desperate. So pituful. You got your engagement girl (I guess). I'd be surprised if we see a wedding in the next 8 years.


Pitiful* ugh I hate my phone


Did anyone notice soon after he gave her the ring she kept saying ...."I love you" and he didn't say the same words right away? She is going to find out real quick that Larry IS NOT HUSBAND MATERIAL.

I wish I could feel sorry for her but I don't really care about her doomed fairy tale marriage. After the "sweet proposal" Larry refused to hear Nicole talk about wedding plans (which spoke volumes in my opinion). When she asked Larry about having a summer or winter wedding, did he look interested? Nope.

How can you be excited about the ring with a man who shows little excitement around you?


Sometimes she really is over the top with slightly neurotic behavior but I have grown to like her. She feels strongly about her guy and even though he puts on a frontI think he likes it. So she ask/talks with him before going to strip club. He talks to her about going to them himself. Which I see nothing wrong with.


I guess the bottom line is if she didn't care she wouldn't get so crazy! I remember being that way myself, but learned that I needed to give my man some space and he never did give me cause to worry or regret that I gave him said space. We have always trusted each other and neither has stepped out of line. I also think you're right, Larry must like it to a point, then he can put her in her place and move on. But if he knew she would go all "Sherlock Holmes" on him why, like Natalie said, did he use Vegas as his alibi? He should have just called her and said "Baby, I'm really sick. I'm gonna turn my phone off and take some Nyquil and sleep for 12 hours. I will call you when I feel better. Don't worry, you and the girls have a good time." Of course, there's always the chance she would fly home, but the rest of the girls would have stopped her. Her nosiness makes it VERY hard to surprise her!


I have to agree with you in that I really don't feel sorry for any of these girls because they wouldn't give these men the time of day if it weren't for them being athletes. I don't feel sorry for them because they knew exactly the type of man they were getting with when they met them. ("Believe people when they show you who they are the first time.")

With Nicole, I do believe she is actually in love with Larry but honey...he is not into her in the same way. He seems largely disinterested a lot of the time and I get the vibe that she's just around for his convenience. It's convenient to have the constancy of companionship especially when you don't have to hold up your end of the relationship because you know they'll stick around no matter what.

This engagement was purely to shut her up and I guarantee you it is sufficient to keep her around for another few years.

I cringed laughed when she made the comment that she wanted to have a baby that day because although some people will see it as a joke, WE all know that she was dead-ass! 😂


I wondered why she hadn't gotten pregnant already thinking that would be a way to get a ring from him!
