MovieChat Forums > Split (2017) Discussion > So one gets shot point blank with a shot...

So one gets shot point blank with a shotgun

let alone twice, in the gut and lives? Crawls on walls?

What kind of M. Night Shamalamadingdong is this? Did this guy jump the shark to be relevant again?


It's a superhero/villain movie in case you missed it


This was set up earlier in the film during the web presentation where the Dr commented that patients have been able to change their physiology, with one patient having a personality of... can't recall exactly, but a strongman who could lift much more than the actual patient could. This foreshadowed the beast's ability to climb the walls, having the knife break when stabbed, running speed, and incredible strength.


dick Chaney shot his friend in the face and hes alright.


You win this one!


There was part of the movie earlier explaining how all this was possible.


Watch the sequel.


Does it take effort to me a Shyamalan hater or does it take no effort? As in not paying any attention to his movies and just band waggoning on him instead of watching his movies?


It's a convenient way to feel aligned with the ingroup.


Sci-fi fantasy. He probably had flying ability and invisibility powers also. If not for those meddling kids...


SuperVillain origin story.
