MovieChat Forums > Don't Think Twice (2016) Discussion > Getting 100% with 40+ reviews on RT - AM...

Getting 100% with 40+ reviews on RT - AMAZING for a comedy!

The most polarizing genre - since comedy is the most subjective.


it should be higher than 7.5 on imdb though.


It's not a comedy. It's a movie about comedy. Only one person ever laughed in my theater.


It's listed as a comedy/drama.

Your theater sounds boring. The trailer alone got two laughs out of me. I cannot wait to see this.


Then those are the only two laughs. Theaters are rarely boring.


Perhaps you're just easily amused.


Perhaps you're just easily amused.

Perhaps you have Autism and have a hard time of recognizing when something is funny?

This game is fun. 


Well said. I liked the movie, but it's not really intended as a comedy per se.


Of course it's a comedy. C'mon.

I’ll be waiting, with a gun and a pack of sandwiches.


It's a drama about unfunny comedy.


But did that one person laugh all the way through it, or just at one part?


RT is mostly comprised of basement-dwelling pseudo-critics. Most of them critique with an agenda. They usually don't care about the content of the film they're watching, unless and until it fits with the politics they believe in. Any movie that has Lena Dunham, a toxic waste tub-O-lard of humanity, is bound to be terrible. I question your mentality if you're able to tolerate a self-confessed molester working in your movie. N

"What the world needs is more geniuses with humility, there are so few of us left."


Wow, don't sugar coat how you feel

Welcome to the Internet
Where everyone is an expert
And your first-hand experience doesn't matter


You scream about agendas, but it sounds as though you have one.
