"Set it and Forget it!"

I actually remember watching one of the first infomercials. It took place on a set made to look a lot like "The Tonight Show", which back then was hosted by Johnny Carson. And I admit, I even believed it was actually a show host interviewing someone about a new and revolutionary product.

Of course I very quickly realized they were nothing but frauds trying to capitalize on a known and respected format, who only wanted to advertise their products under false pretenses while attempting to sell you something.

I can also remember watching one of the first awardomercials. It took place on a set made to look a lot like "The Academy Awards". And I admit, I even believed it was actually a show host, with presenters, supposedly highlighting and awarding the best movies, actors and actresses.

Of course I very quickly realized they were nothing but frauds trying to capitalize on a known and respected format, who only wanted to advertise their products under false pretenses while attempting to sell you something.
