Wow...just wow

Just watched the trailer...and I'm sorry, but this looks so, so exploitive. It looks like an Oscar bait film if it had zero budget and an overt Christian message. I personally hate feeling emotionally manipoulated, especially if filmmakers use a true story to push an agenda.

Columbine was a huge, huge deal. Its really unfair to focus on one student who has been mythicallt held up by the Christian community as a martyr. She wasn't. She was a victim. She wrote some pretty journal entries, and she was probably a nice girl, but I can;'t celebrate the life of someone who died believing something nice, but didn't directly die because of her beliefs. That's a myth. To this day nobody knows the real reason for the shooting. If it was a religious vendetta they would have shot up a church. What on Earth is this movie going to possibly say? Loving Jesus will fix the world's problems? That's not true. Being compassionate is better than shooting people? You don't need to use THIS story to have that moral.

I'm honestly not surprised that the Christian film industry is putting this tripe out, though. I'll just re-watch Elephant if I want a poignant film inspired by Columbine, or rewatch To Save a Life if I want to watch an even-handed Christian film about high school violence.

Remember Sammy....Uh, what was it...Jenkins? Johnson?


It's like she was the only victim that day because she is the only victim that ever gets talked about and now of course a movie has been made about her. Look nobody deserved to die that day but for crying out loud stop making the tragedy about this one girl. And to no surprise the Robertson girl is in this too.
