Turning off the lights

I have to say that in regards to the conversation between Tig and Bill about turning the lights off when you're not using them, I agree with Bill. It annoys me when people leave lights on unneccessarily and I even sometimes find myself turning lights off that aren't being used when I'm visiting other people, which I realize is way too anal. I mean I know logically that electricity isn't expensive enough to warrant being as anal about the lights as I am, especially when it's someone elses electricity bill, but I can't help it. Seeing a light on in an empty room bugs me.

What side are you on - team lights off, or team lights on?


Yes, I always want to turn off the lights in empty rooms, too.


I'm more of a lights on person, but t will certainly turn them off if a room is empty, or will be empty for a long time. Hallway lights will stay on or I use motion sensors. My father, although not at Bill's level, is a definite lights off person, although a bit of a hypocrite as this doesn't seem to apply to his den.


I'm definitely a lights off person, especially when I am conscious about saving money.

But you know what's worse than living with people who constantly leave lights on that aren't being used? When the very same people are constantly complaining about the electric bill! True story.


I'm lights off all the way. I'm constantly turning off the lamps and TVs at people's workstations in my office because it seems incredibly wasteful to leave them running all night (and sometimes all weekend) when you are gone. I hate having to remind guests in my home to turn the lights off when they're not using them, but that doesn't stop me from doing so.

And though it takes a surge of power to turn lights on and off, it's much more economical to turn them off when not needed:
