So disappointing...

Let's face it, the movie sucked.


it wasnt Deadwood.

Kinda looked like Deadwood but the writing and direction wasnt Deadwood.

Despite the credit, I'm still skeptical that Milch wrote this thing.


It felt like the PG-13 version of Deadwood except 30 years had passed instead of 12 based on how the actors looked.

I don't know how much it cost to make, but it looked like Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman quality.


HBO ain't the same anymore is it?


'twas odd how everyone had aged decades instead of just 10 years, although i suppose the livin' was so hard back then you'd wear on your face quite heavily


The show was a slow burn, where it was able to slowly work deep personal and political themes.

This was just a cheap quickie with an ex, where you feel a bit guilty afterwards.


I'd say, I feel more cheated.

HBO lied to their subscribers for years about making multiple Deadwood movies. Literally for years they said they were making them and just suddenly said, no, we're not. And somehow that doesn't qualify as false advertising.

Then years later they do make a movie and it was awful.


I liked it much better on a rewatch.


I would not say it sucked, but it was definitely not very good. I didn't re-watch the series on beforehand, reasoning that any movie should be able to stand on it's own legs - which it did not at all. Maybe it gets better if I rewatch some of the last episodes of S3?

But most troublesome was that it didn't really feel like Deadwood. Way too sentimental and too "nice".


HBO waited too long.
David Milch is not well, as the DVD extras reveal.


It was not as good as the series, that is for sure.


It sucked harder than a Thai hooker!


& i can speak of experience
