MovieChat Forums > Mars (2016) Discussion > This show is just a big Batch of Green P...

This show is just a big Batch of Green Propaganda, but I figured out how to deal with it!

I enjoy this series, but the amount of "Green Preaching" they're doing is starting to irritate me.
On the latest episode they showed a bunch of Green Wackos going out into the Arctic Ocean in kayaks to protest an oil rig. Ridiculous! Thank goodness the Coast Guard arrested those dingbats!

It was also good to hear the other side with Newt Gingrich responding that progress has always won out over anti progress nuts.

I enjoy the show when it's on Mars, but the Green Propaganda in between is extremely IRRITATING! They're like commercials they're forcing you to watch.

But I have come up with a solution: Since I DVR it, I now just fast forward through the Green Propaganda! Thank goodness for the DVR!



Yea well it's still enjoyable even if it's filled with climate catastrophism but yes it's very annoying. That's mainstream ideas for you I guess.


And it ended just as I predicted. The Greedy and Evil corporate types caused a marsquake, and fucked up everything.
And then the survivors had to rescued by the Pure and Noble (almost saintly) Scientists. And then the bad guy who caused it all was killed as the universe itself rose up, and struck him down! That'll teach him to not fuck with nature!

And then the G&E corporate types tried to cover up their crime by bribing the P&N Scientists with LOTS and LOTS of money. The P&N Scientists agreed, and then stabbed them in the backs! What a bunch of lying, two timing bastards!
And then the P&N Scientists held up the cute little baby at the end to the thunderous applause of idiots all over the Earth.
The whole thing made me kind of ill.

Other than that, it was enjoyable.



Couldn't have put it better lmao. Just a normie show for people without critical thinking, unwilling to ask the hard questions and confront their beliefs. I hope many more are able to see through it.


Keep the day job, chef.



It's weird that so many advocates of space colonization also believe humans are destroying this planet. There was none of that 40 years ago, it was mostly libertarian Sci Fi fans.


Yes it is weird, irritating also.

