Fred Willard

He's getting up there in age, but Fred still makes me laugh. He's one of the best parts of this film.


You're right about that. Willard is almost 80 but still hilarious. His scene with "the Worm" was great!


he's the best...several laugh out loud scenes w Willard. Especially w him and the midget and how he was fascinated w him. lol


His scene with Brad Williams was excellent! And him constantly going off track and into irrelevancy was hilarious; I loved the part when his Mascot (The Plumber) gets off stage and the 1st thing he tells him in way of a congratulations is that there's an "all the sausages you can eat" special at the waffle house tonight.


Totally. He's always my favourite of all Guest's movies.

The Rabbi and worm line was one of the best in the film, though my favourite (I literally almost fell off my couch) was when he was talking about Mt. Rushmore.

This guy is comedy goooold!

I drink your milkshake...
