
I don't get how the girl from the present days car got buried under the farm and they saw it being dug up? I thought it would end that the whole house and people were ghosts from the 1800s but didn't realise it?? Them being the good ghosts fighting the evil ones? And the girl from present day would make them realise this but then her car is found.. I'm confused.


Nope this ain't a remake of 'the others' sorry.


It's the same concept as The Others (in serial form) and season 1 ripped off Dark Water's ending.


Yeah... I had the same problem. The jet stream for one. Why did that bleed over into their timeline? What, is it a haunted Boeing 747?

Now, on to the Volkswagen... how in the hell would an astral projection of a Volkswagen manifest as a physical object back in their timeline?!?

And the next door estate owner says he wants to buy the old marsh property... you mean to tell me that there was just enough marsh left for a Volkswagen to sink in... but everyone else is walking on solid ground around it? Plus, the wife walked right over top of the car and got her dress caught on the exhaust pipe earlier. Since when does a marsh turn into solid ground in a few days to a week?

Somebody didn't think season 1's ending through very well. The writers over at Doctor Who are laughing at the producers of this show right now.


After taking in a couple of points in other posts, it does all make sense to me.

The house and woods are haunted by ghosts from various times. During the series, we saw ghosts from the 1860's-ish, the Civil War ghosts from the 1640's and in the end a ghost from the 21st century. Like many reputedly haunted places, like the stories of the Tower of London, their ghosts come from many times in history. They're not just one little clump who all knew each other.

I go with the idea that the ghosts of 1894 saw the supernatural car being not-really dragged out of the mud, watched by two other ghosts. The marsh-sinking stuff is then irrelevant since no-one living may have been standing on it. I took the plane to be something real that the ghost of Appleby saw. Plenty of drifting around in time periods going on.

I very much doubt that the DW crew are looking down on this programme. Not least because they have plenty of story crimes on their own charge sheet, unfortunately.

Free your mind and the rest will follow


You're being too kind, or you're one of the writers on the show. You can't say no one was on "solid ground" because they were "ghosts" and at the same time have a ghost's dress get caught on the tail pipe of the Volkswagen. That would be "selective physics" taking place on the astral plane.

Those above I mentioned aren't really even plot holes... they're flat out mistakes in the writing.


I'm sorry but where did these sudden Laws Of Astral-Thing Physics come from?

It's a ghost story. There are no 'rules' any of it has to follow. It's not selective physics because nothing is defined for it to select from.

The essence of a ghost story is that the viewer/reader does not know what to expect because the rules are not set. We have a framework of loose understandings from previous tales and from stories of sightings but no laws. That's one of the things that creates the tension: fear of the unknown.

I don't know what makes you regard this as a science. Maybe a liking for science fiction, Doctor Who's take on ghosts or something?

(Please don't use any more italics for over-emphasis...they look excessive.)

Free your mind and the rest will follow



I'm sorry but where did these sudden Laws Of Astral-Thing Physics come from?

In the story, according to the writers, nowhere until the Volkswagen (and perhaps the jet) showed up in the marsh as a physical manifestation.

This series, if continued, needs to make up it's mind whether or not it wants to be supernatural or science fiction (involving time travel)

And I didn't use italics... the letters just look that way when they're astral projected through time and space.


Oh, it has it's mind made up. It's supernatural. Never wasn't.

Where did sci-fi, time travel and Doctor Who's scriptwriters have any connection to this? Crazy stuff, ditch all that. Up to you if you then like it but it'll be from a clear vantage point.

(Words emphasise themselves wonderfully well so the italics make it read a bit...desperate to be heard. Just a friendly observation :-) )

Free your mind and the rest will follow


The sci-fi comes in where the Volkswagen physically exists in Nathan's timeline. If that's how it's gonna be, then the supernatural theme of the show has just crossed over into sci-fi, and that's why I brought up Doctor Who's scriptwriters.

They've done numerous episodes where characters thought there was a supernatural phenomenon happening until The Doctor provided a scientific explanation for it.


Nothing's crossed over into anything, old son. The story is supernatural.

You're trying to put the cart before the horse. Doctor Who does not set some rules that every other programme is subservient to. Doctor Who is just a telly programme full of ideas from successive clumps of scriptwriters and script editors. Some are great ideas, some are atrocious.

You'll be closer to what's rattling on in the world if you're more flexible in your outlook. Some people don't try to adjust their views to fit the facts, they try to adjust the facts to fit their views. (Which can be very uncomfortable if you're one of the facts that needs adjusting.)

Anyway, been fun but must dash. Good luck, whichever road you trundle up, and I wish you well :-)

Free your mind and the rest will follow


But contrails, as the prime example, are a "thing". There are molecules there, which form them. For them to be visible, they must be there. The thing that makes them visible, aka the jet engine, must thus also be there (or have been there, because these trails stay a while after being created.)They do not travel backwards in time.

Same for cars, they don't travel in time either. For the car to poison something, it must be there. How it got there cannot be done with astral-projection. The car itself must be there.

None of it can be a ghost, because those are inanimate objects. It cannot astral-project, due to the fact of being an inanimate object. It's not supernatural. There is absolutely nothing supernatural about it. It's time travel. It's sci-fi.

And not very amazing sci-fi either. Very slow, very dull, really irritating characters, a couple of good actors kept on the side, and a god awful lead.


No, it's not science fiction,despite how one up-fictions that fiction. It's supernatural and that cannot be defined by...well, see previous statements. I understand that some want it to be subject to some science that they've come up with. That will always fail but knock yourself out trying, it's only a story. A well-told, beautifully made and strongly acted story but just telly.

Sorry you didn't enjoy the programme and I disagree with all your points but respect your opinion.


My best interpretation is that the area is suffering from temporal rifts as well as haunting's.

Weaker rifts allow both times to merge and view each other as in the case for the 'ghosts' and the stronger rifts allow for actual crossovers.

This area has obviously suffered tremendous tragedy through the years and a lot of emotional imbalance, so maybe it's upset some space time continuum and things are lingering and able to reach out.

The cold winds are rising. Winter is coming.


That would work with Doctor Who (if somewhat explained) Here, all we've been introduced to is the supernatural and not the science of the space/time continuum... at least not yet.


I'm glad that's the case. Withholding information like this can really allow an idea to be explored, while still being able to surprise viewers. Less is more.

The cold winds are rising. Winter is coming.


Yeah, the problem of it is is that it needed to be somewhat touched upon in the first season and not something to be discovered out of the blue in the second season. That's bad continuity... especially when you're dealing with time/space continuity.


It was touched upon (the head lights, "the book of light", the girl and the crashed vehicle). You also have Nathan again and again declaring there must be a scientific reason behind it all.

Simply no answers towards the meaning or implications behind those events were given. We're just as in the dark as the characters in the show. The mystery continues. Now we wait for the second season to explore that concept more thoroughly. That's good continuity.

They didn't blow their whole load in one outing. That's respectable these days where everything is spoonfed at every opportunity on most programs.

The cold winds are rising. Winter is coming.


Those were all astral projections transcended through time until the Volkswagen was pulled from the marsh. Nothing was explained how an astral projection became physical matter in their timeline.

And the ending reverted back to the supernatural by having Nathan walk down the stairs and confronting a group of people (from another timeline I assume, since they act as if he's dead) conducting a seance in his dining room.


You're assuming they were astral projections. The show has not offered an explanation yet. Anybody's guess is as good as mine or yours.

Also, the way you word your post makes it seem as though 'astral projection' isn't supernatural. That would be incorrect. It's as supernatural as ghosts or time travel.

The cold winds are rising. Winter is coming.


No, I'm not assuming they were astral projections, they were astral projections. The great, great grand daughter was bleeding over into Nathan's time line and vice-versa, yet they were never really there physically. Example: When Nathan was mixing the poison in the kitchen.

It's already been established that the great, great grand daughter and her mother had "the gift" which is strongly suggested they were clairvoyant. Do you think their "gift" is the ability to time travel?

And astral projecting is supernatural. What, do you think there's some scientist behind the scenes using time traveling holograms?

*my mistake in the post above. I meant to say there were astral projections that transcended time but never manifested themselves as "physical" until the Volkswagen was pulled from the marsh.


No, I'm not assuming they were astral projections, they were astral projections. The great, great grand daughter was bleeding over into Nathan's time line and vice-versa, yet they were never really there physically. Example: When Nathan was mixing the poison in the kitchen.

Unless they were there.
See my interpretation for further elaboration.

Even if my interpretation is incorrect, you still need to assume that yours is correct as the show has not offered an explanation yet. At this point it is your best guess.

It's already been established that the great, great grand daughter and her mother had "the gift" which is strongly suggested they were clairvoyant. Do you think their "gift" is the ability to time travel?

I'm not convinced she is gifted. She didn't see any other ghosts outside of that town. She saw only Gabriel. And so did her mother. She only saw Nathan, Harriet, and Charlotte when she visited the town, suggesting a phenomenon tied to the location rather than the girl.

At most, it could be Gabriel that is gifted, since his spirit seems unhinged from time itself, capable of traveling to past and future to communicate.

When we consider all of the townsfolk that began seeing things too, it's reasonable to conclude again that it's based on the location, not necessarily the people involved. And Gabriel is buried on that location...

And finally, we have the last event where a vehicle and woman from the future ends up in the past, displaced by 120 years. And she was on that location when this phenomenon occurred.

In this location, The Living and The Dead co-exist boundless to time. I won't be surprised if in future seasons, our Nathan ends up in the modern day town.

And astral projecting is supernatural.

Why are you restating what I already claimed?

What, do you think there's some scientist behind the scenes using time traveling holograms?

My apologies, upon reading your post again, you point out your distinction between astral projection and physical matter.

The cold winds are rising. Winter is coming.


An inanimate object, like a jet or a car, cannot astral-project.


Space-time and the crossing of parallel universes is a scientific theory that could therefore exist in the world of the series.

It could also be how the ghosts appear in the first place. So there is no conflict going on between sci-fi and supernatural. It's using sci-fi (in the very absolute minimum) as an explanation for the supernatural, which is the main part of the story.

I would just class it all as supernatural - the whole estate is haunted and little blips of events cross from different periods. Since Lottie was found, the car would almost definitely have been recovered in 2016, so it shouldn't be in the marsh in 1894. It only exists there as a ghost of one of these blips, even as an inanimate object.



"Block time" explains the "overlap" of different time periods I think... This is what I liked about this show ... I love when different time periods are overlaid or entwined somehow .... Like The Others but again the similarities are only superficial as another poster said... Other films that do this? Can't think of any right now ...


Dudes (and now i am referring to everyone posting here) this is a tv series with fictional characters, a fictional plot and fictional everything. It's not the science fair, i think it's best to leave it alone and stop debating it it was astral projection or not cause here's a hint: it's not astral projection because that never happened!
If you want to enjoy it and watch it, then do so. If you have problems with the gaps in the story, go complain to the writers (though it will be just as useless, since there is no season 2) and leave it the eff alone.
Problem solved. No astral projection, no block time and it doesn't even matter if it's sci-fi or supernatural. It's just a movie.


Totally agree. That first page gave me a headache from all the pointless debating back and forth. I enjoyed the series for what it was - entertaining! It was very cleverly written too.


I watched the first two episodes when it aired last week and was so intrigued that I taped the rest and binge watched last night. I enjoyed reading everyone's opinions but like some said its just a show, watch and enjoy. For me, i did see it as The Others. For a large part of the series , the future girl and the 1894 people were existing in the same place. Charlotte hearing the future baby cry in the nursery, Nathan seeing the iPad, seeing the girl run into the nursery to check on baby, headlights in the explanation works for everything though. When her car runs off the road and she dies, it's actuall early in the chain of events for Nathan. So was she already dead when she was warning Charlotte that Nathan was going to kill himself?.Then at the Nathan sees the seance people, and they saw
him too? Also Gabriel finding a new mom was very Dark Water ending. Why didn't future girl's mom take in that role when she killed herself? I was upset that she brought her baby to an old abandoned house and then kept leaving her
unattended. And how on earth did the baby survive the car crash if the car went off the road into the marsh? And if the car was found and the baby saved, wouldn't they have towed it away then and not just left it there? Maybe they don't have tow trucks in remote villages.

