
At least half the guys at a school like Keaton would be gay and half of them would be flamers. That the showrunners cast only heteronormative males with deep voices is just sad.


If Sasha isn't gay, I don't know who is. At least that's what I thought by the way he plays his character. But I don't see them playing that angle, especially on the Disney Channel.


This isn't a Disney Channel show though. They just have the broadcasting rights. This is a Canada made-show. I find it odd how Disney is able to air episodes so quickly now before they even air in Canada. Before they were behind but now after the hiatus, they're ahead! I just checked the episode list on Wikipedia and Disney is set to have all 30 episodes of Season 1 aired by the end of the month. Canada has no airdates for episodes 18-30 at the moment.


I know it's a Canadian show, I'm just saying that it's most likely not going to have gay characters because Disney is airing it.


Screw Disney. They ought to go forward with it because it's not Disney-owned. They shouldn't make decisions based on Disney airing it and worrying about what they'll approve of. They already touched on some things Disney wouldn't even allow on their own shows like character battling ongoing illness, expulsion, plagiarism, drug reference, pushing another character and giving them a CONCUSSION like come on. Besides, Disney displays a lesbian couple on Good Luck Charlie and a character on I Didn't Do It was being raised by two dads. I don't really see it being a problem for Disney to continue airing the show if they were to showcase a gay couple.


I honestly thought that was why he didn't kiss C back.


"Straightwashing" isnt a thing lmao. Why does it matter that they are straight? They have dont have to be gay just because they go to an art school.


I thought Sasha was gay
