Why are there so few comments?

This is shocking to me. I watched these events unfold in 2013-2014, but had no idea of the full story on the ground. It amazes me as an American that there is one comment on IMDB for a story that is so incredibly powerful. Have we become so fat, so lazy, so unmovable, that we cannot muster one comment on such and incredible event?

That Americans stood by and did virtually nothing while these brave, intelligent, and courageous people fought for their dignity and freedom with their own hands, shames me.


Didnt this just get released? Wait awhile for the doc to open more eyes on the events that took place.


Only comments so far is people complaining it's false and fake. Go figure


I haven't been able to find the film anywhere other than Netflix which requires a subscription. If more people could see it there would probably be more comments


netflix is 8 dollars just order it


Only comments so far is people complaining it's false and fake. Go figure

The Russian troll brigade is doing their job.



I don't see posts claiming it is fake. Only ones noting this sides one side's propaganda, which it clearly is.

You yourself are using a strawman argument.


Likewise I never appreciated the severity of the situation probably due to the fact I don't pay much attention to the media reporting bias.
This Doc truly opened my eyes at the resiliance the Ukranian people demonstrated until they obtained a satisfactory result, whether it ended up in hospital or death.

I remember when I was in the UK there were a few fuel increase protests, I think the last one was to bring London to it's knee's by blocking the roads with heavy goods vehicles.

Well the London protest lasted for an hour, really laughable at the time even more so now.


This one deserves a lot more attention than it's received for sure... I am posting recommendations for this one on social media and I encourage everyone to spread the word in any way you can.
