Knock off

Same premise as The Game. Only that came way before and extremely well made. If I was Fincher, I would be upset that this movie is promoted as a Netflix Original when clearly it is not original and uses his ideas.


His writers ideas really. John Brancato and Michael Ferris.


Absolutely - I logged on to IMBD in about the 9th minute of this to see if anyone else thought the same (The Game is one of my favourite films). I slogged my way through the rest of Rebirth, but this is really a poor ripoff of The Game (and Fight Club to a degree). The performances were fine, but the script feels lazily under-developed unfocused and annoyingly similar to other things.


YES. This is definitely a rip-off of The Game.

The details are different, of course. And I actually thought they were twisting in more of a "gaslight" element towards the end.

I was glad to see they at least added one more twist at the end after the "Game" storyline had ended.
