I want more!

I would definitely watch this show.
I typically like period shows and I've read the book.

At first, I didn't love the casting of Ricci but, after watching, I changed my mind.
It's not because I don't like her. Exactly the opposite.
I've seen most of her movies BUT I just didn't think she looked anything like Zelda but it made no difference once I got wrapped up in the story.

I'm mostly only posting this to lend an extra voice of support in hopes Amazon will pick this up for a full series.


Agreed. I was skeptical as well but was totally in awe of how good the Pilot was. I too am hoping that Amazon puts together the series.


I want moreeeeeeeee. Is there really only one episode?


It looks like they started up filming again this past summer to continue on with the series. The only episode published was the pilot but now there is more added buzz as there are two biopics set for release on Zelda as well.


Recently started using Amazon Firestick and enjoyed watching episode one. I thought I was doing something wrong when I failed to find further episodes. I also hope Amazon pick up full series.


Loved the first season--- Can't wait for second.
