
I was catching up on some episodes and I can't remember that little kid's name but how in the world is he just going to let inmates walk into what is supposed to be a secured area and shuffle through some documents? Does he not have a gun? Anyone to call? Maybe tell them to step back? He just let them run him over pretty much and now it's over for him. They know he's a wimp. Is he still on the show? And does anyone know what the documents were they took?


Did you see the preview for next weeks episode?! Looks like he leaves a gate open and an inmate runs out. Lol WTF?


His name is Fabian and I've talked about him a lot on here as to how the hell he is still working there.
He even tells the camera that he is a little kid, ummm no you are 18 now and in charge of these guys so if you think of yourself like that then how are the others supposed to think of you.
If you also notice he is constantly forgetting his keys, all over the place, that alone is a fireable offense. Then he lets the other inmates get paperwork? He said that the stuff they took wasn't that important, how does he know?
It's him and Lily that I seriously wonder how the hell they got hired and their last job was something like working cart return at Walmart.
Lily was bitching about working traffic because she wants to be Working with the inmates then bitches about being amongst the inmates. Lily totally said she found contraband in the mail when it was the other guy that found and showed it to her. She claimed she felt good finding the contraband and how she wants to be an FBI agent. What? Honey no you have to heft up that voice and get a clue because the day before you weren't able to keep track of one wheelchair part.
I'm a high school teacher and I'm all for kids chasing their dreams and what not but put in some *beep* effort, forgetting your keys and not writing up inmates for cat calling after everyone has told you to and if you two aren't changing the way you approach your job in order to do better forget it, get out because now it's dangerous
I also have the sneaking suspicion they did not even graduate high school (just a vibe I get after teaching high school for 16 years) They either dropped out or got a "GED"
What's worse is the people allowing them to be hired.
