MovieChat Forums > Graves (2016) Discussion > What station is this show on

What station is this show on

What station is this show on


Looks like you watch it on the ePix app. Don't know if there's a monthly payment included or not. I've never heard of it before.

reply, and it's free.

That rug really tied the room together.


I found it on Hulu


It is free "On Demand" on my DISH. I just searched for it, and it is now downloading Ep. 1. It didn't give any station, but one of the options was to "subscribe," which I did not. I have noticed with other TV shows that look interesting On Demand, that they have a couple of episodes free, and then if you want to watch more you have to subscribe to a premium channel. They don't tell you that when you start watching it, though.


There's a reason it's free and on EPIX. It's not very good but I'm sure it will grab a certain audience.
