You guys suck.

This wasn't even close to being bad like you guys make it out to be. You walk into a rave movie expecting what exactly? A superb story? No. Get the stick out of your asses. It was fine.


LOL, yip.
I just watched this last night...the first half hour I felt like it was a National Lampoon movie...but like the newer ones. I had to question what my adult-self was watching.

But by the end I felt like the director was in on the joke. I think Avilo wearing a sleeveless-hoodie sets the tone of the movie.

It was a fun movie, good soundtrack---but they could have played more of each track. Enjoyable-enough characters. Fun visuals & effects laced into the movie.

I think part of the backlash is that it's such a light-hearted movie that it didn't do the "scene" justice. Also being in my mid-thirties, it was creepy watching high-schoolers getting blitzed and loosing their minds...but its a party-movie.

I didn't just sit down and watch this, I had it on my second monitor while I worked on my computer...under that light, it was a nice light companion to doing other stuff simultaneously.


hour and a half you will never get back. youll be on your deathbed saying to yoursekf i wasted my life watching crap


*It was fine*

That's a glowing review for the film...................😁

Its a Me, Mario -
