Your Candle Cove FAQ

Is Mike really Eddie?

No. Mike discovering that he had an extra tooth was a sign that Eddie was conditioning Mike so that he could possess Mike and live again as a human being.

Eddie displayed this power when he temporarily took over the body of Mike's daughter.

Who is in charge? Eddie or the Skin Taker?

This is left deliberately ambiguous. We find out from Mrs. Booth that "Candle Cove" is actually a manifestation of Eddie's mysterious psychic power and it is his way of communicating and dominating the minds of the children that watch it.

However when we're introduced to the Skin Taker (he keeps me company but he's not my friend), we begin to wonder if the Skin Taker, like Candle Cove, is a construct created by Eddie to represent his all consuming hatred or is it some ancient, supernatural evil that is using Eddie as a conduit to influence our world?

Those questions are never answered.

Why does Mike appear to his daughter at the end of the story?

He turns off the television to symbolize that Candle Cove will no longer threaten the children of the town anymore. The television show is on permanent hiatus. Mike sacrificed his life to keep the Eddie / Skin Taker in check.


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