MovieChat Forums > Channel Zero (2016) Discussion > SPACE TV- THE REAL CANDLE COVE !!!


OK..first off this is MY story..a real event, no BS!!! I REALLY MEAN IT!!!

Back when I was a teen in the late 60's, my friends and I used to get stoned and watch a "dead" channel static on TV. We called it "Space TV" After a while of looking at the "static", we began to see and hear images..more like the "ghost figures" in the TV static in "Poltergeist" than an actual TV show..and no...NO pirates...

HOWEVER..strange things did happen after...

I was with a couple of friends stoned and driving around Homestead Air Force Base near the U of Miami at night and in the fog when we came to an abrupt T in the road going 100 miles an hour. We went off the road and after avoiding a few trees, hit one dead on. I was riding shotgun had ducked down under the dashboard and braced my legs against the floor. We hit the tree with a thud, and the sound of breaking glass.

My friend the driver was killed. His girlfriend in the backseat disappeared, and somehow there is no record of her ever existing! When I told the cops her name etc. they looked up the school records and there was never a person of than name listed. Yet, I knew her well as my friend's girfriend from Sept the start of school until mid Feb. when this took place

Myself, I came out without a scratch, and the convoluted story I told was chalked up to drugs (only pot). Every since then, a few weird things have happened to me. not exactly mind-blowing BUT TRUE!

First, I began to notice that if I looked at a person a certain way like shopping in a supermarket, as soon as I looked towards them, they would drop what ever they were holding (some great power huh! should I join X MEN?)

Years later, I found that if I stared at the back of someone's head, they would turn and look at me. I also if I got really angry I could envision a blue light and make someone fall. Not always, but more than just coincidence.

The worst experience was when a car cut me off on the freeway a few years ago and I angrily imagined the car going off the road and crashing....a few moments later the car swerved to avoid a raccoon in the middle of the road, and went over the guard rail into a steep cliff/ravine. Later I found out that the driver was killed....

Needless to say, I don't stare at people much anymore. I am almost always looking down at my feet when talking to people, who only think I am shy...but I KNOW the real reason...

Not exactly Candle Cove, but I sear to God, what i just said was the truth..You don't have to believe it!!


Please look me in the eyes and transfer your power to me. Thanks.


you're right... I don't have to believe it
Flaming doesn't help your point it engulfs it in a wall of fire.


Well, everything I said that happened was/is true..I don't claim to have magical powers, but coincidence goes only so far.........
Isn't it funny that people who like SiFi and Horror can suspend disbelief unless someone says they are serious.
I could also tell you that I have a real ghost "living" (HA) in my house (or haunting?) But you would say "I don't believe it" Yet my wife and daughter would beg to differ...
I guess we all choose to believe what we want and reject the rest. I have an open mind when it comes to UFO's but I tend not to believe people who say they were abducted and had probes put up their butts.
