Why did Marla...

...Look at the camera at the end?

It's too cerebral! We're trying to make a movie here, not a film!


I did not get the impression that she was looking at the camera. I thought she was looking at her daughter in law and grand daughter but I will watch that again and pay attention to her eyes. The end with her smiling was saying that the terror was over and now she had new family and her grand daughter would be safe. The thing is I thought it was kind of a catch 22. Yes she had new family but she had to live with the knowledge that both sons were trapped eternally in a place that was not nice. Not to mention the knowledge that Eddie was a monster or had turned into a monster in his childhood. So yeah when I think about it then it really would not be a happy ending for Maria.

The scary clown doll is hiding under my bed.


I don't know if it was just the weird mood I was in, but it startled me so much, I thought it may have been an existential wink, to make the viewer self-conscious, because all the madness seemed to be communicated through the TV screen, controlling the minds of the gullible population and the viewer was drawn into it as well, in a sense.

The surreal breaks between dreams kept me confused, so it took me a moment sometimes to decide which was really happening. But none of it was 'really' happening. I just thought it was an eerie sort of wink of an ending.

For the world is hollow and I have touched the sky.
