Did you feel bad for John?

He was so creepy with his awkwardness and facial expressions when interacting with other people, that it was just sad. Then for those girls to be so cruel to him was the icing on the cake to make me cry. It was more horrible when Kayley couldn't understand how she'd hurt someone for no reason, then spit in his face. I actually felt worse for his fate at the end than hers


I'm 15 min into movie commerical break and I already feel bad for him. The blonde is so mean


Yes I felt sorry for him especially his waiting at the airport for this someone who is not going to arrive. Kaylee was awful.


Iferrigon, Do NOT watch the movie "Hostage High". I won't spoil it for you, but there's a scene in that movie that makes the airportm seem tame. Look up my review on Hostage High if you REALLY have to know, nut beware, it's uglier that Kaley's personality. Unfortunately, I had to createw a new ID here, so yoiu won't het to my review by clicking my name here, but you should be able to find it vy looking for Hostage High.


In first few minutes I feel sorry for John and didn't like Kaley being rude ands shallow bitch to John when pull his heart sting and set him up for a prank but the moment John decide to kidnapped Kaley and her friends that feeling bad him and no matter what Kaley did to him she doesn't deserved to sold to human traffic as sex slave who is rape and beaten 27 against her will

Lara Croft Himiko! The First Sun Queen! This is Yamatai.


Yes, totally felt sorry for him. I am a Lifetime movie junkie and never go into these expecting a lot, but thought this was exceptional for a Lifetime movie. And also liked the unexpected non-happy ending, that was nice for a change!


Remind me to not feel sorry for your kids if they ever get kidnapped by someone like John.

State champ in martial arts, trained with firearms, I eFF'n dare you!


I felt sorry for John when he was so excited thinking he had a girl friend and felt sorry for him when he was holding the sign at the airport waiting while nobody showed.

Face book http://www.facebook.com/lynn.ann.9


I enjoyed his innocent revenge on Kayley. John hiring that young man to toy with her. But yes the kidnapping was a little to much


The kidnapping and sending Kaley to human traffic where she be rape and beaten she doesn't deserved even know she a prime bitch to John and too her friends

Lara Croft Himiko! The First Sun Queen! This is Yamatai.


I feel the same, except of the fate part. He kidnapped them and borderline (well, not really) sexually harassed 14-year-olds...he was really just useless crap on the Earth at that point.

I felt bad for him when he was at the airport and kinda sorta at the end because he was so depressed.

Sold into sex slavery, probably in some foreign country, just for being a dumb girl (or sociopath...kinda have that suspicion), is so overkill...


They were supposed to be seniors in high school. So if she was 18, she really wasn't a minor. But, I agree with you on the sex slavery thing, no one deserves that at all. In one way I am suprised at Lifetime, because it obviously is a station that is known to cater towards women. But, the fact that they kind put Kaley's ending under the rug, like well no big deal-she deserved it. I mean in real life, if something like this would have happened they probably wouldn't have found Kaley in a year, but the writers of this movie could have at least saved her. The more I think about the ending, the more I am believing it was kind of a low blow.


I'm finding it hard to feel sorry for these mean girls at all.


Yes, and surprisingly enough for a Lifetime movie, it really makes you want to sympathize with the bad guy. John wasn't even ugly in my opinion. But Kaley, made him out to be the hunch back of Notre-Dame meets Frankenstein, in his dating profile pictures the last two pictures were kind of cute. He was average, not ugly, the way he carried himself like him having his mouth open all the time was awkward, but they could be fixed. I have seen many beautiful women with less than average guys, at the end of the day coming from personal experience that we want a nice guy to do all the things that John would have did to his 'bride', beauty fades.

I feel that he was just a guy who just got fed up, his whole life he'd been bullied because of something he thought he had no control of, and to him this was his shot to get back at all of the people who had done him wrong. Was it justifiable what he did to the girls? No. Was it understandable? Definetly.


I haven't seen all of this movie, but I think John should have been more careful with who he met online. And yes, Kaley was a mean, cruel bitch but she didn't deserve to be sold into prostitution.

Why with T.V. and all I keep in touch with everything.
