MovieChat Forums > The Bride He Bought Online Discussion > Anyone else think the neighbor may have ...

Anyone else think the neighbor may have been working undercover?

When John asked her for help selling the girls, she said she would call "someone" to set it up. We never see her make a phone call, just stuff a gun in her bag as she runs out the door. Later at the warehouse when she wings John and tells Avery and Mandy to get out of there, I was sure she must be a cop, but then he shoots her and nothing is explained at the end. :(


That was my thought too!


Right when she grabbed the gun, that was my initial thought. At first, I thought she was reaching for her badge,to me that was an odd place to hide a gun. But, I knew she was a good guy when she didn't call the bad guys. Yeah, I hate that they didn't explain what happened to her, I was hoping she had survived.


I hated that they didn't really elaborate on her character or motives too much at all. As if we are just supposed to speculate based off the little background we were given about her...



I thought of that, but then it turned out that she was just more interested in helping the girls get away. I'm thinking that because she knows what it's like to live a life of prostitution, she didn't want to see innocent girls be forced into slavery. Also, if I remember right, she shot him in the back when he wasn't looking, and that would be illegal for a cop to do. (Then again, this is just a movie, and movies make errors all the time.)



would be illegal for a cop to do.

Sigh, however cops still shoot people either unarmed or armed in the back. I guess they don't think that it's illegal.

A friendly comment. No trolling or being negative from me. I just wanted to respond to your comment. 

l'll get my cape...
..I wanna put dem paws on him. Dig that..


...and they like to shoot black people - because their "lives don't matter". Don't get me started (and off-topic).


marks662, too late. You already started. 

I don't want to finish this off-topic subject. 

We shall sick to the topic of this thread.

l'll get my cape...
..I wanna put dem paws on him. Dig that..


When the black guys try to kill officers, officers have to return fire.


Oh my god, do you just come on here to start sh*t?


Are you talking to me? I didn't start anything. I was responding to an anti-cop BS comment. 


Were you being sarcastic?


Yes. Sorry if that wasn't clear to you.


"I thought of that, but then it turned out that she was just more interested in helping the girls get away."

I didn't think that at all. I thought her only goal was ripping off John and dealing the girls herself, and not having to share the selling price with John.


The movie didn't explain her backstory and motivations well. I just assume that she really is a criminal and has connections, but she also has a moral code and thinks that selling someone into sex trafficking is going too far.


The way she asked him questions made me think she was an undecover prostitute. She kept trying to sucker him in too....
