MovieChat Forums > Alone (2015) Discussion > Why don't the producers pick better cont...

Why don't the producers pick better contestants?

Honestly, this season the only two people that knew what they were doing were Nicole and Jose. Everyone else was just sort of out there. Either they didn't know anything, were too weak to do much, or simply gutted it out (which is admirable, but not that compelling).

I don't understand why the producers pick contestants whose main storyline is "I miss muh family". I mean - why even go on the show if that's what is important to you?

Is it that hard for them to find people that are experts in the outdoors, AND ENJOY being a ALONE? There's gotta be 1,000s of people like that.

It's just annoying to me the casting decisions. I want to see people on the show that genuinely love to be alone, and people so motivated/skilled that their goals are too stay out there 6+ months. All thru winter.

You want to make legit show - get that cast. Not a watered down sappy nature show where almost everyone complains.


Honestly, this season the only two people that knew what they were doing were Nicole and Jose. Everyone else was just sort of out there. Either they didn't know anything, were too weak to do much, or simply gutted it out...

Why do you believe you got to see everything that happened? You didn't. In fact, you didn't even come remotely close to seeing 1% of the total footage. With that in mind, you certainly did not see enough to say with complete accuracy that they didn't know what they were doing...didn't know anything....etc. Why is that so hard for you to understand?


If you tap in less than a month, you don't know what you are doing. That's a fact. How many tapped in less than a month? At least half the cast, no?

I'm fairly certain if they were doing alot of cool genius stuff, that the editors would not withhold that from the audience. So, while not seeing all the footage, I can accurately deduce the skill level of the contestants based on when they tapped and what WAS shown. Even the editing was bad. One of the main stories was the one guy losing his fire starter. Did they show how he kept his fire going the entire time? I don't think they showed him using his bowdrill more than once. Did he find his firestarter afterall?

I was unimpressed to say the least, given the pool of applicants trying to be on the show.


If you tap in less than a month, you don't know what you are doing. That's a fact.

That's NOT a fact.

How many tapped in less than a month? At least half the cast, no?


I'm fairly certain if they were doing alot of cool genius stuff, that the editors would not withhold that from the audience.

I'm fairly certain you don't know "alot" about the way a production works. I'll give you a clue: the editors/producers create a storyline out of the total footage. They decide how to portray each participant, not vice versa. We know for a fact the editors/producers in other "reality" shows have withheld rather important information in order to portray someone in a certain light (in order to fit their narrative). Yet, you think the editors/producers on Alone are somehow exempt from doing the same. 

So, while not seeing all the footage, I can accurately deduce the skill level of the contestants based on when they tapped and what WAS shown.

You're not very good at this logic stuff.

One of the main stories was the one guy losing his fire starter. Did they show how he kept his fire going the entire time? I think they showed him using his bowdrill more than once.

LOL! Oh, but according to your [failed] logic, the guy could not possibly have known what he was doing, because he tapped within a month. 

And so goes your [ridiculous] claim...


Your first points I agree with. But I have to give it to the previous poster on 1 issue. If the contestants were demonstrating great survival skills, I have to think they would be showing them. I can't see them not using that kind of footage just so they could depict them in a less favorable light.

I do disagree with the previous poster's suggestion that anyone tapping out in less than a month doesn't know what they are doing. You can KNOW a lot of survival skills, but not have the fortitude to put them to use day in and day out for months at a time. In fact, I would go as far as to say that unless someone has actually survived in the wild for a long period, there is no way of knowing how well they will do until they actually do it.

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Why do you believe you got to see everything that happened? You didn't. In fact, you didn't even come remotely close to seeing 1% of the total footage.

He doesn't need to see them all the footage. If we saw them fishing and they looked like they don't know what they are doing, we can safely assume they didn't know what they were doing.


I'm personally sick and tired of hearing the whining and crying, they sound like a bunch of video game junkie boy scouts on their first camping trip. STOP THE WHINING, it doesn't help any situation.

They seem to have a lot of time to sit and contemplate their situations, maybe try and create a better situation rather than whining about it all the time ?

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I wish this guy was on the show:


Apparently people like seeing other people fail.

It can also be the fact that those that live alone out in the woods do not know about a tv show or do not care about tv shows, while the wannabes are the ones that actually watch and participate in this show. I'm certainly sitting comfortable inside and watching this on my computer instead of being out in the cold and wrestling bears.
