did americans write this?

its like an american who frankly couldn't be bother to do any research wrote this.

its littered with inaccuracies, the last episode i saw had the cops mention city hall, CITY FV<KING HALL, like its set in chicago or somewhere and then the deputy mayor turned up to chew the police chief a new anus. like the london mayors office has the same powers as an american mayor.

the police are called 'london police', what? couldn't find the name 'metropolitan police' on google?
shocking writing.

His anus is soaking wet- Walter Bishop - Fringe



we have the Met and the city of London police.

writing is a bit *beep* though.

if I seem a little strange, that's because I am.......


With the air of fantasy about it, I presumed (like in many shows through the ages) they didn't use actual names of things--mostly to give the impression that it's somewhat of a fantasy storyline, as well as showing corrupt people and such.

In the old days, names of organizations were changed if you wanted to show bent people etc., if for no reason than avoiding liability issues.

I think it's the style of this show to not be specific about roles and things, like a parallel universe setting.


well, blow me. i didn't know that. cheers

His anus is soaking wet- Walter Bishop - Fringe


You want them to use 'Town Hall'? Sounds like Coronation Street.

There's something about you that reminds me of an anus. Can't think what.
