They have a cast net?

So I see them with a cast net. I don't know about you but if I'm there with a cast net, we're eating like kings every night. It's beyond gill or seine net or fishing line, it shouldn't be aloud. Funny that no one there knows how to use it yet. The three guys that do are busy with the spear I guess. Anyway it'll be interesting seeing them eventually use that bow on some large game because you know they'll all form another supergroup again. I hope they don't but they probably will.

Sorry to see Clarence go but I bet none of them are drinking near enough water. Nearly impossible when they're all hiking through the forest together. I kinda like seeing them without their only fisherman though, fending for themselves.

"how's a fella go about gettin' a holt of the police?" -Karl


I wondered about that net too. They probably mentioned it in the first few minutes of the initial episode but I must have missed them saying that they had one. I thought they could only bring things like a machete, cooking pot, fire starter, etc.

I know desperate times call for desperate measures but I found it hilarious that the bearded member of the 3-guy team was trying to bring down a deer and a giant warthog with a pointy stick from a fair distance away.

I expect it won't be much longer before everyone meets up and joins forces in one big team. From the look of things, none of the teams are going to be able to make it 40 days on their own.


Yeah, that was real dumb trying to throw a pointy stick at that huge boar. How the hell did they think that that as going to work? The other dude in the other tribe, made a bow & arrow, now he's good.


over and over they've tried to toss a spear into an animal, I wonder why they haven't tried to corral it or snare it or even make a deadfall, they're really set on using a spear and rambo'ing a pig, it's funny how they're the ones without the bow, they have nothing reatlly while the weakest have a cast net, interesting how they set that up

"how's a fella go about gettin' a holt of the police?" -Karl


Wait, so they gave Darren that bow & arrows? I thought he made it himself. Man, that's huge and unfair if they gave it to him.

I guess they felt that 3 strong men shouldn't get the best weapon or something. But still unfair. Clarence's team got the worse....they were drinking muddy p1ss & sh.t water and had no hunting weapon (unless you count the knife, that everyone had anyway). The other 3 group had excellent water sources. Man, they were swimming in it too.


I never saw them pick items or talk about the items they chose to bring. They either skipped over it or have that part on Discovery's site I guess. They just meet each other and do their thing. I really don't understand why they did it this way. If one guy brought a bow and one woman brought a net, then what did the three guys hunting the warthogs bring? I see one large weak group and two strong small groups. I hope we don't get the same result as last time where the hunter has to continually feed everyone else while they lounge around.

"how's a fella go about gettin' a holt of the police?" -Karl



Good info! I have that pre-season episode and need to re-watch it.

That one girl brought fishing line. So I guess a bow & arrows is allowed as it's still primitive and does take skills.

Maybe the 3 male, hunter group....didn't know how to shoot a bow (just guns). Not sure what their extra items are. They are pretty silly to think that they can pierce the skin of that big-ass boar with their goofy spears. That takes some serious skills to throw a well manufactured, metal tipped spear to kill an animal. These dudes just have long, sharpened sticks.


Even if they were standing right beside that animal and had a clean shot at it, I don't think that stick would penetrate its hide, much less kill it.


Probably a lot easier to fish when you're on a boat with a cooler full of food & water....oh and, clothes. Many survival shows where professional fishermen have struck out due to exhaustion and malnourishment.


The women trying to throw the cast net was embarrassing. They'd probably have better luck using the net to catch a land animal. I wonder why none of them make fish baskets?! There also has to be plenty of snakes in the area as well.
I laughed out loud when the guys were hunting with their "spear". That dumb thing would bounce right off an animal hide. Why not set snares or deadfall traps?!

