XL 2016: Figures!

The babe with the hottest ass in N&A history (Carrie) taps out week one. Sigh.

So many a$$holes, so few bullets.


True on the hottest ass part, but she's still a crazy bitch.


Yeah I was bummed too bruh (no pun intended)


They did throw viewers a bone with a very nice shot of her pulling her panties back on after she tapped out.


Sadly, I don't think she ever intended to be there long. Seems to me she never did a ton of survival stuff, apart from her Marine days.

I'm sure she was there to pick up a check and head back to Denver or Vegas or LA to continue her career.

Still, it was nice while it lasted.

And was she the one who wore fake eyelashes while there? Some others on FB were complaining about it. I did not notice. I do wish she would have stayed longer though.

At least we still have Kim, Phaedra, and a few others to cheer for!


Being a Marine can mean a lot to maybe even nothing when it comes to survival or even toughness. Training to become a Marine is only like 16 months....which includes Basic Training and then whatever Marine school. After that, they become a Marine and may end up guarding a door all day, in an air conditioned tent and never even see combat. Then they are discharged and go home.

And these are the MALE Marines....you know women will have it much easier. Even Marines in combat, is not primitive survival....they are transported, have supply trucks full of food & water, supplies, etc. Yea they can get shot at and die by an IED, but it's still not primitive survival.

This girl, sucked ass. She was the Crazy B.tch factor, which was why they let her back after her 1st, dismal episode where she tapped also.


Being a Marine can mean a lot to maybe even nothing when it comes to survival or even toughness

As an eight year Marine veteran, I can say that this is 100% true.

There are Marines that made it through their entire first contracts as malingerers.

I had to explain to my wife that anyone can make it through boot camp just by staying in the middle of the pack and going along with the crowd.

Then whatever schooling for their MOS after that.

Once they get to the fleet there's ALWAYS a reason they can't participate in the mission.

If they used the same excuse too many times, they were called out and disciplined, but for the most part they can cycle through enough varied excuses to make it through.

Illness, injury, and other "important" things they have volunteered for are the most common.

By the time they've exhausted their list of tricks, they start over from the beginning so they aren't so obvious about it.

Her general attitude and demeanor set off an instant alarm for me. I've known plenty like her.


She didn't tap the first time but she did have problems with her partner. You might be thinking about Honora - now she was a piece of work.

So many a$$holes, so few bullets.


They only put her on for eye candy. I'm sure the producers are bummed she tapped so quickly as well.
