Favorite members

I binged the whole 2 seasons on Netflix, as far as the guys go I have to rank these 3 as my favorite.

Tap - He was a little harsh when talking about people's goals when but it is kind of practical to consider it. The hosts seemed harsh on the guy. He went straight at Arisa for a date and by being direct, he kind of spared himself being led on, which happened to Arman instead.

Uchi - seems to grow the most over the course of the show. Along with Arman he seems to stay the longest so the audience can get attached to him. Seemed like a good guy.

Arman - once he shows up and sticks around for a while I think he becomes the heart & soul of the show. Eventually he's the only one that links the original members to the final episode. The guy is incredibly relaxed compared to the others.


Can we talkabout the ladies too?

Mizuki aka barista - i like her the most. She was nice, pretty, sporty and since. Too bad it didn't hit off with arman, who in the end got jinxed anyway.

Minori was my #2. i don't understand why uchi, her suster and the others were bashing her for being gialless etc. come on, it is ok to chilland take things easy, right?

Nacchan - at first i did nit like her for being too straightforward and forceful but ss it went on she seems cool. A cleanliness freak too....

Doesanyone ekse think hitaru looks like justin beaver? ?
