
I love how they inspire young guys that steroids are nothing, you have to believe to achieve, funniest part of the movie, given that Barnett got popped three times in his carrier even though they don't test that often, and MJW looks like he's been on steroids since he was 12.
But I applaud the idea to talk about steroids in movie, just seems funny since everyone takes them.
I'll never see, say, Lindsey Lohan playing a part about how drugs and alcohol are bad for you.


Yeah, he looks a bit of a hypocrite :)

But I don't like the idea of demonising steroids and lying about the side effects. Sure, they can be dangerous, but they not necessarily cause roid rage or instant death and they're not unanimously unethical, either.


Actors take steroids for a role for sure, but then again most of them take cocaine and whatnot so it's not that bad. It's not that dangerous if you take a little something something, but you have to keep taking it otherwise you will lose all your gains. I have a problem only with the lies in the fitness industry and sports, take steroids but don't lie about it to sell protein powder or give idiotic training advice.


Have you seen the film Barnetts character specifically said his character took steroids in his career
