What ?

So, the ten-part series covers the period of 10 years - from Elizabeth's and Phillip's marriage (1947) to (probably) Antony Eden's resignation as prime minister (1957), shortly after Suez fiasco. And yet, according to IMDb, almost all major characters make their appearance only in two or one episode ?

This is strange. I mean, it can't be that the major plot is crammed in the last two parts and that instead Elizabeth's childhood extends over eight episodes ? This scenario would be kinda lame.

Fassbender - Mara - Blanchett - Phoenix


That's what I was thinking! 10 episodes and the title character is only in 2?


IMDb will have no idea about the finer details until the show drops. Check any unaired Netflix production currently in the works. The info will be spotty or just plain wrong.
