the jewelry

Obviously they are making an effort, but they are not really getting the jewelry right. Particularly Lilibet's crowns. They seem to use a sort of ubiquitous crown for all situations, I have yet to see any of her more famous crowns, such as The Girls of Great Britain and Ireland crown. Given, I am a royal jewelry nut, but still.

You'd do all that for a part in a play?
- Karen Richards to Eve Harrington, "All About Eve"


I agree! But they did get the pearl thing right. Although it is customary to wear an odd number of strands, QEII wore a double strand at times. Maybe you could tell me more about this?


In her later years QEII has always worn 3 strand pearls. Not sure when this started exactly.

You'd do all that for a part in a play?
- Karen Richards to Eve Harrington, "All About Eve"


Why would she wear an odd number of strands, intentionally?


I think you mean tiaras, not crowns.

The production company probably didn't make any of the jewelry especially for the series. They probably rented everything from Cosprops and Angels. So they had to go with whatever those costume houses already had in their collections, in the way of copies of the queen's jewels.

Wallis Simpson in the production wore replicas of the real Wallis's jewelry. I recognized some of the brooches, and the signature cross bracelet.
