Darkness falls...

This movie reminded me a lot of the 2003 movie Darkness Falls. Anyone else notice the similarities?


I have not yet seen it but from the synopsis and trailers it had me thinking this is the closest I'll get to seeing a sequel or remake of the film.


It was a total rip off of Darkness Falls.

And it fails miserably. Lights Out sucked.


Definitely. Both movies are about a young adult older sister trying to protect her child brother from a female supernatural being that's afraid of the light. I've only seen Darkness Falls once and that was probably twelve years ago, but it didn't make much of an impression on me, so Lights Out is easily the superior film to me. Not that LO didn't have its share of flaws, but I really liked the brother-sister duo and I thought the film was well-paced (it never felt too short, which is pretty impressive for a film that is only 80 minutes long) and had its share of tense and suspenseful moments, if never quite truly frightening.


Yes! I was trying to rememeber the title of "darkness fall". For some reason I thought it was called "the tooth fairy", but anyway, yes I thought they were similar. I think I preferred lights out. It was more tense and gave you that uneasy feeling.
