MovieChat Forums > Imperium (2016) Discussion > What's so offensive about this movie?

What's so offensive about this movie?

So many white people were commenting bad things about it in YouTube , why? I didn't
find anything offensive in it's trailer.

All it takes is one bad day to reduce sanest man alive to lunacy


Typical white racists who believe that only non-whites should be portrayed evilly. They do this type of complaining a lot in historical movies as well such as slavery and the holocaust. They think the media is 'anti-white' and is portraying them unfairly. Of course, when you complain about how blacks or other groups may be unfairly portrayed in the media, they start telling you to stop your "political correctness whining." They are like reversed SJW except anything which isn't positive about white males makes them go bonkers.

The other reason is that they secretly or subconsciously agree with white supremacy, so when you attempt to criticize it, they feel as if their ideals are being personally attacked and start to lash out and say incomprehensible things like: "I'm not a racist but this movie about white supremacist racists is...racist."

On YouTube, you won't see a bunch of Muslims invading the comment section of a video which speaks out against Islamic extremism. On the other hand, you will get a bunch of whites males attempting to justify white supremacy on any video which speaks out against white supremacy such as this movie. It doesn't speak well for their character.

There's really NOT much of a difference between a white supremacist and an Islamic extremist.
One will chop your head off for your RELIGION and believes you're an infidel.
The other one would gas you for your RACE and believes you're inferior.


Wow, nail on the head lisasmithandme. I'm waiting for the people to comment saying you're racist for talking about their racism.



It's a movie , why do you care how they are depicted.

All it takes is one bad day to reduce sanest man alive to lunacy


Yes, like Dylan Roof, right? You remember him? The unemployed, high school drop-out who shot innocent black church goers? Yes, he did seem like he was trying to be very successful in his life before that incident, and he sure as hell avoided blacks until he got a desperate desire to go into a black church.

The majority of racists don't have the time to be successful because they're too busy wasting their time hating.

What has someone like the racist David Duke contributed to this world besides hate and anti-semantic conspiracies?



The movie isn't trying to argue that most racists are skinheads so that complaint is irrelevant. It is simply showing this subgroup of racists. It's like saying movies about serial killers are unnecessary since most murderers aren't serial killers.

"The average hard working racist is busy trying to be successful, while being sure to avoid blacks, muslims, and other dysfunctional groups of people."

Ok, so since you said "other dysfunctional groups of people", you're saying blacks and muslims are dysfunctional groups? You realize you sound racist right?


He admits that he is racist in one of his posts.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce sanest man alive to lunacy


Yeah I read that one after. He's on my ignore list now.


Now I haven't seen the film, but perhaps they are wary of Hollywood's predictable finger wagging at most of America (oh you people are just so racist) and the self congratulatory tone they save for themselves. We're at a dark cross roads with Race Relations in America, but right now the most visibly disruptive groups are Black Lives Matter, any of the Social Justice warriors, La Raza affiliated "brown supremacy groups', Cop hating groups, New Black Panthers, etc.

Do Aryan Nation or KKK groups still exist? Of course they do and they're obviously vile creatures, but the timing of this totally looks like DEFLECTION. Sorry, but all the race riots where people were hurt and property destroyed were not 'white based' in the last, oh, 40-50 years!

WIth all the violence and chaos, now with militant factions of BLM, Open Border proponents, Muslims who don't condemn Islamic terrorism, etc. it's seems that Hollywood TROTS out the same old tired boogeyman - those darned White Supremacists.

Please let me know if you've found ANY high profile violent or terrorist act or protest that came from any of the White Power groups. They're vile and idiotic, true, but apparently THEY'RE the only bad guy that Hollywood can show. And most fair minded folks who have been paying attention to current events, knows that a load of ****.

Dr. Kila Marr was right. Kill the Crystalline Entity.


The biggest hate website on the whole of internet is a white supremacist website called Stormfront. Enough said.


Enough said? Why? because you say it is? Sure those sites exist and sure, they're vile. But your post diverts and doesn't answer the original question.

My biggest response is "So what?" Your post proves nothing.

I requested that you to LIST one high profile act of VIOLENCE by those white supremacist guys.

No one is arguing that moonbat white groups exist. But you failed to answer the question. Other than high profile protests and outright acts of violence by 'other groups', has there been any notable violent acts by a group driven by 'white supremacy'.

I'm waiting, but I know you won't answer.

Dr. Kila Marr was right. Kill the Crystalline Entity.


Ever heard of Dylan Roof?

There you go.

What's with this straw man argument of assuming Hollywood is saying that white supremacists are the biggest or worst thing in America?

It is a movie about a certain topic. You want Hollywood to scrap making movies about any other topic if those topics aren't public enemy #1. It's like criticizing a movie about serial killers just because serial killers don't account for most murders.


Come on. Stormfront and white supremacists are pretty evil and the most ridiculously funny group of people to ever exist. They literally have discussions about how Voldemort wasn't evil and he was fighting the good fight in Harry Potter cause he wanted 'purity.'

What's your point? The Nazi Party didn't have to commit violence against the Jews before it come to power. It did that afterwards.

How about The guy who killed the British MP?

You know there was a recent attack by a Neo-Nazi just two days ago:
