MovieChat Forums > Fallout 4 (2015) Discussion > The D1 patch will probably be over 9-10 ...

The D1 patch will probably be over 9-10 gigs

Calling it. What with the 9 gig patch for Guardians being released, just going to say Bethesda will probably be doing some major overhauling on day 1.

They bought a house.


I don't doubt it. What a relief it will be then to let steam do the downloading and updating automatically while I alt-tab over to Netflix to watch something for a half hour and then continue playing FO4. It's awesome how painless and hardly noticeable patches and updates are.

"Who built this f#(%!^g police station." -- Leon Kennedy


Alt-tab this, bitch.

They bought a house.


MOst big game releases do these days. Its no big deal. I may be daft here, but I am not sure why you made that post. Not being rude, just seems like a waste of time unless you kno wsomething we don't....


So? The fact that more often than not now days, game companies will release broken games. How is that in any way ethical? Especially considering the prices games are being sold fir.

They bought a house.


Well, seeing as Bethesda always fixes any bugs/glitches that appear shortly after launch I highly doubt they're releasing a broken game knowingly- it only adds more work for the development team.


How do they not know that they're releasing a broken game? It happens so often in the industry that its becoming the norm.

They bought a house.


There's a difference between a broken game and a game with (non-game breaking)bugs. Out of all of the Bethesda games I've purchased on release day, not once have I ever experienced any game breaking bugs in them. There have been a few major ones, and many minor ones, but never any that would make me classify the game as broken. And all of those are fixed shortly after launch.



It's still a 20+ GB download to install the game even if you buy the disk.


You were annoouncing it like it was the first time it had happened.
