MovieChat Forums > Fallout 4 (2015) Discussion > My personal wish list for the next patch

My personal wish list for the next patch

Some of theese things get pretty annoying after a while.

In the next patch it would be great if you could:

have a weapon size adjuster slide. When equipping a laser rifle or similar large weapon it takes up 1/3 of the screen.

Add an alphabetical list of discovered locations on the map. Finding a location "I think was some where around the center middle left corner of the map" is a pain.

Access Bobbi No-noses terminal on PS4

Sort by amount (or combined weight) in the inventory (an item may only weigh 0.1 but if I'm carrying 122 of them it adds up)

have "custom suits". So when changing back from f.ex. Hazmat suit you dont have to put on each piece of armor individually, but just put on your custom suit consisting of whatever pieces you like.

Sort Misc items by time acquired, so new items are on top of list.

Call a companion, without having to go back to where you told him to wait.

Make companions a little less trigger-happy whenever they see a raider/ghoul/supermutant.

A complete rework of the mod system :-/
Its ridiculously complicated figuring out what weapon/armor and mod-combo will end up with the most effective weapon/armor. And impossible without actually building a whole bunch of mods that may end up being useless.
